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CROWNING MOMENT: Miss Universe 1987

CROWNING MOMENT: Miss Universe 1987

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Miss Universe 1987, the 36th Miss Universe pageant, was held on May 27, 1987 at the HarbourFront Centre in Singapore. Bárbara Palacios of Venezuela crowned her successor Cecilia Bolocco of Chile. 68 contestants competed in the pageant.

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  1. Miss Universe 1987 Cecillia Bolloca from Chilie look alike actress Sigourney Weaver…!!!

  2. Miss Italy doesn't want to win Miss Universe and stay in New York during the reign in the year. That's the reason why Italy never had the first Miss Universe crown. Sad

  3. En aquel tiempo estábamos muy emocionados eufórico y muertos de la risa porque a Cecilia se le caía a cada rato la corona

  4. Bárbara se parece un poco con Thalía. Todas guapas, pero la Puerto Rico era mi favorita!

  5. I remember this pageant very fondly. It was held in my country Singapore 🇸🇬 and i was only 12 then. I never missed MU pageant each year since. Love Ms Chile & the little sisters

  6. The sweetest Miss Universe ever. She was nice and friendly with her fellow candidates. Well deserved triumph Cecilia.

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