CROWNING MOMENT ✨71st MISS UNIVERSE (2022) -R’Bonney Gabriel -FANCAM +Harnaaz Sandhu ‘s FINAL WALK

CROWNING MOMENT ✨71st MISS UNIVERSE (2022) -R’Bonney Gabriel -FANCAM +Harnaaz Sandhu ‘s FINAL WALK

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#RBonneyGabriel #RBonneyNola #missuniverse2022 #MissUSA2022 #71stmissuniverse
#MissUniverseCrowningMoment #harnaazsandhu #missuniverse2021 #missdiva2021

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  1. You could clearly that she doesn’t even believe it. That crown was taken away from Miss Venezuela. I understand the new owner of this organization is Asian. There you go.

  2. Harnaaz Sandhu literally stole the show. Her graceful gown, charming personality and respect and bowing to the Miss Universe crown 👑 shows how a big achiever she is yet so down to Earth. She is a real winner and inspiration for all those present there and for everyone. How much she values what she's got can be seen from her emotional walk and the warmth that she showed towards Miss USA. Simply a beautiful and heartwarming presence.

  3. Awwww loved how Harnaaz bowed to the crown. She showed such respect to her 1st runner up when she won, she didn't go down when people trolled her and now this final act of bowing to the crown and her farewell gown will go down in history as the best farewell gown ever. Such a beautiful tribute she paid to Sushmita and Lara. We love you queen Harnaaz Kaur Sandhu ❤️❤️

  4. R'bonney is not humble like Harnaaz she wanted to hug her she didn't accepted that totally in another mood

  5. Harnaaz remains regal, stunning and elegant, what a queen. Meanwhile, ladies came rushing to RBonney after she waved on the audience which means she is loved by them.

  6. Amanda is beautiful. Thanks to her excellent performance and preparation, Venezuela has 7 runner-up in addition to our 7 Miss Universe crowns. 😍

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