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Daily Mirror Exclusive | Live interview with Tana Johnson

Daily Mirror Exclusive | Live interview with Tana Johnson

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Live interview with Tana Johnson, Vice President, Mrs. World Organization, USA.

Hosted By Danu Innasithamby

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  1. පුශ්පිකාගෙ රෙදි ඉල්ලෙ 😁 kudos to you Dhanu for conducting this interview. I wish some one can translate and show this to Pushpika. I did not agree with the way Caroline dethroned Pushpika on stage and the manner it was done, but looking at it now I can see that Caroline was right she had the sense to see that Pushpika in any way shape or form was not the right candidate to represent Sri Lanka on a global platform. Pushpika got there on a technicality but did not repsent Sri Lanka the way a Mrs Sri Lanka would. This is a good lesson for the national director and any one who is involved in this pagent. Moving forward please select a candidate who is well mannered who is not only beautiful but also educated and could handle what ever the outcome of the pagent. Sri Lanka deserves to be represented by such talent and not by the likes of Pushpika.

  2. මේක කොහොමත් chandimalගේ/rosiගේ වැරැදි

    Pushpikaට සෑහෙන්න favouration කරා..
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    අනිත් සියලුම contestantsලා/foreign judgesලා මේවා media වලට ඇවිල්ලා සාක්ශි දුන්නා

    රොසි pushpika කලින් ඉදන් අදුරනවා. Pushpika ලමයාගේ birthday parties වලට පවා රෝසි ගිහින් තියනවා..

    Quality නැති කෙනෙක් ඒගොල්ලන්ම පත් කරලා දැන් එයාව විවේචනය කරන්වා.

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    හැම ශේස්‍ත්‍රයක ලොකු පුටු වලට ඉන්නේ නුසුදුසු අය, එතකොට ඒගොල්ලලෝ ගන්න තීරනත් නුසුදුසුයි.

  3. Danu you are doing great job but some peoples are not understand this program. Please give sub title translate. Thanks.

  4. You are brilliant Danu.& thank you so much from Sri Lanka.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  5. Thankyou Danu for the insightful interview..sooo relieved to know that caroline still holds the Mrs world title she truly deserves….all doubts clarified …crystal clear💕

  6. Thank you so much Danu for doing this video. You covered everything what we wanted to hear and the truth. Throughout the interview you were very diplomatic and precise. Finally your recapitulation of main points was brilliant. Keep up the good work 👏👏 Best wishes from the UK.

  7. Caroline Jurie had the insight to see this train wreck coming our way one year or so ago. She tried to stop it at the cost of her own crown to avoid the disgrace that was about to bestow upon Sri Lanka, even though it was not the right way to do it. I think those who didn't agree with what she did at that time, now understand why she went to that extent to avoid this woman being crowned. I'm proud of her and I guess even the Mrs world Organization would be thankful to her for her valiant effort to avoid this fiasco.

  8. Nice to know Caroline is an ex. Mrs world. So Rosy is not the only one the country produced. High time granny rosy step down and let the youngsters come up without getting involved in this. So happy that Miss sri lanka organisers does not get grannies involved in their panel.

  9. May be the pseudo "Mrs" Sri Lanka for Mrs World pageantry Pushpika De Silva must be thinking the rest of the world is as foolish and gullible like that Chamuditha person to believe all her unfathomably stupid and narcissistic lies!
    Thank you Danu for a fabulous interview! Great professional job by both you and your interviewee the Vice President from the Mrs World Pageantry organization.

  10. This is useless pagent for deverloping asian countrys. Progresss. better use this money to promote poor mothers and childrens health nutrient values in these developing countrys than spoiling these arrogant young women having skin bit lighter than others.

  11. In a TV show Caroline was asked what the longest river of Srilanka is, and she didn't know! Pushpika has also shown how smart she is by her behaviour. Both Caroline and Pushpika are cheap stupid dumbos. Choosing this type of women without any character or intelligence show what kind of an organisation Mrs. World is. All pageants are totally worthless and they bring the worst out in people. The world has changed and these pageants do not serve any purpose than to bring out the worst in humans. Respectable ladies like Rosy should keep out of this pageant and actually all pageants.

  12. Truly a great interview by Danu, and my heartfelt thanks as a Sri Lankan to Tana. Sadly its a global walk of shame for Pushpika because of the way she handled this whole thing and her enormous lies about everything and everyone. Hail to our one and only true queen Caroline! ❤️ I hope the world will not judge us all Sri Lankans based on this unfortunate scenario.

  13. Excellent job Danu…clear, concise, and straightforward. You clarified the points that mattered to the audience. So proud of you!

  14. Unfortunately, Sri Lankans are always late in everything especially when it comes to realizations. They choose the wrong people for the wrong positions whether it is for beauty pageants or politics. By the time they realize their mistakes it is too late. When Caroline said pushpika was not the right person then the whole Srii lanka stood against her and said very bad things about Carolline. Now it is too late for them to correct their mistakes.

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