Dangers of procrastination & how to stop it!

Dangers of procrastination & how to stop it!

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Sometimes we feel like we get NOTHING done. Here’s why procrastination is (usually bad) and how to stop it for good!

Check out Cas from Clutterbug’s video:

Product links (affiliate):
Hemlock & Oak Planner 10% off


Your Brain’s Not Broken Book (Tamara Rosier)

Clever Fox Planner

Inexpensive Planner

(Affiliate- As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases)

00:00 Problems
02:35 What is procrastination
03:31 Why we procrastinate
04:26 Perfectionism
06:14 Why is it harmful
07:44 Your environment
08:19 Is it all bad?
10:11 Secret tips


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Hey! I’m Robyn and I’m alllll about simplifying life, embracing your potential and creating an incredible life.

#minimalisthome #clutterbug #procrastination..(read more at source)

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VIEW MORE: Miss USA Videos

LEARN ABOUT OTHER: Beauty Pageants

See also  Encounter Miss Nebraska Teen USA 2019

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. I love the Amplify planner. They make quarterly and yearly. I started with the Q which has M/W/D. This was fine when I had all the kids home. But after they moved out I was finding myself avoiding my planner because my "daily" sections were most often not used! I felt wastful, lazy (since I felt like I did nothing!!) and just depressed. I changed to the yearly which is all year but NO Daily pages! They have a PAD of daily pages that if I NEED it because I have a lot going on, I grab one and stick it in!❀❀ Also? Love my colorful erasable pens! Now I need to tackle to rooms craft & spare/guest!

  2. Cat vomit on carpet or rug… I recommend you let it sit long enough to DRY COMPLETELY, then it super EASY VACUUMS up!!!! The trick is to hold the hose in your hand almost PARALLEL to the floor (NOT perpendicular!) And don't use the regular wheely-part of the vacuum either. That will make more of a mess usually.
    And it's completely gone (my sister was amazed when she came over to clean about a decade ago when I hurt my back;)!!!
    This is from some1 who's lived with between 2 to 3 kitties for 32 YEARS!!! That's a lot of kitty vomit on sometimes fully carpeted Apts to clean up!!! Lol

  3. This is why I hate being a perfectionist. I like to say I’m recovering from it but those thought processes are so ingrained it is why I literally never get anything done. As soon as I start a task that someone says can take 10 minutes, 2 hours have gone by and I’m still not done. Then my huge list of plans turns into only maybe finishing 1 thing on the list, or just throwing the rest of my project back up on a shelf to finish another day. Overwhelm doesn’t help either because with how slow I am it feels like I will never get done, but the fact I can’t do things quickly is a real problem for me and holds me up a lot. I don’t even have a ton of things because I have been decluttering through me entire life before it was a trend, but nothing has ever been good enough for me due to my perfectionism.

  4. Yeah we got a house with a bunch of ADHDers. And Gifted ones. Anxious ones. And also some OCD ones. Genetic box of chocolates you never know what your gonna get. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

  5. 😍this video with all your little"visiuals" from movies & shows! Great tips for how to handle procrastination. Well done!

  6. What is the name or brand of the actual planner you are showing in the video, Robyn? I don’t see it when I use the links you provided.

  7. I almost procrastinated re this video…need to watch t his later πŸ™„ overwhelmed is my biggest thing since hubby died

  8. Thank you. Love the understanding on brain as your adhd tips work for me with my dyslexia and dispraxia ❀

  9. Fellow Canuck here (yay Canada 🍁) and someone who puts the pro in procrastination too!
    I'm really struggling right now with overwhelm about everything in my life so these two videos have come in bang on time. Thanks ladies for the tips, I'm going to start on one or two…. tomorrow.
    No, no, tonight! OK, no, right now! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  10. I wish I had $1 for every time I started an awesome plannerβ€”and then misplaced the planner 😬🀨

  11. Cass I know that meditating on 1) what attracted you to him is good. 2) think about the highlights of those 22 year. 3) look at your children and remember that without him you would not have these children … 4) write him little love notes… Not for every day… Just every now and then. 5) thank him just for being him and for all he does for you and the family. 6) surprise him him with a flower… Yes I said flower. You could put it in his office when he's not looking, lol. 7) take a break from work, the house and the kids, together. 8) let him know why he's the MAN.
    Those are my top 8 ideas that I know can make a dent in the everyday hubub.

  12. I have a big procrastination problem. Mainly due to overwhelm and no energy. I think if I was more motivated and had higher energy levels I'd reach many more goals and feel better πŸ˜…

  13. Yay I’m first πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰. You motivate me so much and I have seen so many improvements in my home and life. Thank you !!

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