Did the Miss Universe Philippines & Miss World Philippines Give Us Pageant Fatigue?

Did the Miss Universe Philippines & Miss World Philippines Give Us Pageant Fatigue?

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With all that has happened since the global Covid19 pandemic hit pageantry and live entertainment hard, Filipino pageants have been flattened down with pageant fatigue.

But what is pageant fatigue? It is the combination of exhaustion and frustration over the current state of pageantry these days. And this feelings were aggravated by the unending mess that has happened with the Miss Universe Philippines and Miss World Philippines as of late.

This pageant fatigue has rarely been discussed openly because of most pageant pages preaching and advocating for toxic positivity. But that stops now. We will talk how did we gone this far off the cliff and how do we get back up on-track…

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#MissUniversePhilippines #MissWorldPhilipines #BeaGomez #StacyMaureenPerez..(read more at source)

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About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. You are the most sensible blogger. Kudos to you. I hope we have more bloggers like you to police the anomaly of pageant in the Philippines especially MUP & MWP under the auspices of shady Jonas Gaffud and Arnold Viagrafria.

  2. Dahil nag boom ang you tube ,ig platform
    Halos naka babad na sa socmed ang fans, kaya iba pageant fans naging tactless na din towards sa mga pageant candidates …yan ang toxic na sana mawala sa phil pageantry..

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