Disappointing news for Miss USA 2022!

Disappointing news for Miss USA 2022!

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I heard this news about Miss USA 2022 today and I’m sad about this because it affects the experience for the contestants. What do you think about these changes?

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  1. What are your thoughts about these changes? As of right now? I'm not liking the idea. If there's more developments, I'll post them here >>> https://bit.ly/3knJQ4k

  2. Miss universe is a cheap pageant πŸ‘Ž..

    Miss World 🌎 pageant is a lot better. Better prize money and better salary with the most amazing humanitarian work with beauty with a purpose drive. Miss World pageant is the richest among the rest. The current Miss World winner received $1455942 USD ( approximately $ 1500000 USD ) as a cash prize money and there is also a monthly salary provided in terms of each month's work done by the reigning Miss World 🌎. Hence, it's the most richest pageant in the world. Above all, the crown πŸ‘‘ of Miss World 🌎 is extremely beautiful and looks regal. It is made up of real diamonds, sapphires, turquoises and other gemstones fixed in an 18 carat yellow gold body. And for your kind information, the Blue Miss World crown was gifted by the Queen Elizabeth II to the Miss World Organization in 1969 for the amazing humanitarian work done by the pageant. The crown πŸ‘‘ itself comes from the Queen's Jewellers of the Royal Family. It's a royalty indeed ✨️..

  3. Miss Montana,Georgia,New York and blogger are bitter,losers,racists and karen because the winner is ASIAN ..

  4. How about how they had an mlm makeup company dominate and control what makeup was used. They were forced to where certain makeup products if they chose not to let the sponsor do a full face of it ugh um some may have sensitive skin and prefer to use specially formulated natural products or even vegan products. Nobody should force anyone to wear anything. I get sponsorship 7 that should be a choice not a forced action

  5. Congratulations to Ms USA R’Bonnie Gabriel! You were the clear winner regardless what everyone says. Im rooting for you to bag the Ms U πŸ‘‘ and Im certain that you will!

  6. Former Miss USA winners needs to put up training academy for the pageant to help candidates what needs to prepare

  7. This sounds like that fiasco over at Miss America. Did Crystal attend Gretchen’s leadership workshop? And frankly I thought sisterhood and building the girls up was the point. See another Miss America 2.0 coming. And whole seemingly weird Texas contestant situation also has not helped at all. Seems like she was handpicked and the other girls did not have a fair shake. As always only an opinion. Dani for President! Someone call Paula!

  8. The Miss Universe, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA were run better when they were cohesively together under one Organization. Where Miss USA and Miss Universe lived under the same Apartment roof in NYC attended events & traveled together, it created a bond. Some people may or may not like this but from a business stand point it ran somewhat smoothly, cohesively and organized under Donald Trump. I loved how Miss Universe and Miss USA lived in the same apartment during their reign.

  9. Texas looks faker than fake!!!! ugh!!! who selects these women? does anyone even know what a REAL woman looks like anymore? 🀦

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