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Discussing Communism, Socialism & Imperialism with "Coach Jon" on "Its Not So Black & White" Podcast

Discussing Communism, Socialism & Imperialism with "Coach Jon" on "Its Not So Black & White" Podcast

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Caleb Maupin is a widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst. He has traveled extensively in the Middle East and in Latin America. He was involved with the Occupy Wall Street movement from its early planning stages, and has been involved many struggles for social justice. He is an outspoken advocate of international friendship and cooperation, as well 21st Century Socialism.

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  1. He asked if you had spent time in a communist country, then named some socialist countries, then included Russia. Russia is a capitalist country. Do people really think Russia is still communists, or did this man get confused?

  2. Caleb is one of the best messengers of communism. Don't agree with everything he says, but it's clear he knows how to communicate our ideas with 'normal' people

  3. Great Convo Caleb. I am more and more interested in socialism and communism. I was born and raised in a neoliberal democratic family environment in the Bay Area. I am slowly seeing and hearing the truth. 👍I appreciate your insight.

  4. "why aren't people lining up to move into Cuba?" might could have something to do with the multi-decade full spectrum blockade, my man. end the embargo and watch what happens 🇨🇺

    really though, i liked these questions; the interviewer was amiable and conversing in good faith. this interview really gave Caleb a lot of room to just style on a lot of the most common anti-communist tropes so for that alone it was time well spent

  5. I’ll be 60yo next year, an old man. I cannot tell you the joy it gives me to hear Caleb sharing his knowledge as to ‘what can be’ and the hope needed to fight the system. Thank you, Caleb.

  6. 40:50 the authoritarian response to emergency can easily be demonstrated within so-called liberal democracies. The UK in WW2 was a parliamentary government that necessarily became highly authoritarian – creating a single national government, imposing blackouts, conscription, imprisoning possible fifth columnists, etc. The subsequent social democratic reforms of the post-war Labour government (in health, in education, in managing the labour market, in nationalising key industries) partly owed their momentum to this authoritarian moment.
    Political systems respond to material conditions or they collapse..

  7. I'm German. And i wanted to say that what the Soviets Achieved in WW2 was a real miracle. nazi-Germany was technologically 20-30 years ahead the western powers and – depending on what army and unit 50-150 years ahead of the soviet military. Nobody expected them to survive and even defeat the Nazi-Military. Nearly 80% of the military force of the axis powers had been defeated by the soviets only some 20% by the western allies who only opened the second front in 1944 after most of the job has already been done by the Soviets. And they only entered the European Arena to prevent the Soviets from bringing all of Europe, especially the highly industrialized western part of Europe under their control.

  8. Great way of laying it out. While I'm extremely proud of our communist legacy, our history, I don't think we should let our pride stand in the way of reaching people with our program—policy solutions for sustainable growth. That's our challenge. How do we bring our communist program to the masses? Just about everyone wants to live "the good life" (in comfort and security) and only a socialist future can provide that.

    I'm not suggesting we should try to hide our connection to the socialist states, and we absolutely need to amplify our connections to the communists in U.S. history, but due to the conditioning people have been subjected to, we have to be patient. I don't think any reasonable person would want to live in the U.S. without the advances that communists spearheaded. When white people began to demand equal rights for Black people, to demand an end to lynching, the Comintern was behind that. Communists defended the Scotsboro Boys when no one else would, and we have led the fight against the racist death penalty and other legacies of slavery, in employment, housing, healthcare. Communists, socialists and anarchists were the forces behind the fight for a 40-hour week. We need to bring those battles and their achievements into the U.S. peoples' consciousness.

    One thing we can do when the gulags are mentioned is contrast them to the U.S.'s racist prison system. The U.S. prisons hold 25% of the world's prisoners (we're about 5% of the world's population), and this prison system is many times larger than the gulags ever were (whether we measure the total size or per capita).

    Great contrasts between Cuban emigrants and ALL of those other people trying to flee capitalist hellholes.

    Another great program that speaks to the things we need to talk with our neighbors, coworkers, friends about. You're making it a lot easier to do that.

  9. 36:50 on Gulags: The USSR banned labour camps around the same time France and the UK did. The US hasn't still hasn't gotten rid of them today. And they have the largest prison population compared to any other country at any point in history.

  10. All this talk about heavy handedness. Does the host realize which country has 5% of the world’s population and 25% of its prisoners? The United States.

    Regarding other countries offering free/nearly free education to Americans and other foreigners, there are several capitalist countries that offer free education to Americans. I think it is their hope that students will come to love the country and stay.

    Also, China is on track to surpass America economically. So that point is also debunked given time.

    This may be one of Caleb’s best discussions on the topic of socialism and what it might look like in America. I think it’s their hope that people will come to love the country and stay.

  11. Keep spreading the ML perspective of strength and prosperity for all. Rational organization of the economy under direction those that create it.

    That is the affirmative message we need to counter years of propaganda and binary political compass like thinking

  12. 19:45 huge bs coming from the guy doing the interview. But that's probably what you learn about WW2 and the Soviet Union growing up in the US.
    Decent answer by Caleb.

  13. 7:30 That kind of "vast material abundance" is NOT "thousands of years in the future"!
    We have that abundance today! It's just concentrated in the ten wealthiest % of humanity, the 1% who own about 90% of all wealth and the 10 individuals or families who own half of that(so 45% of All wealth anywhere!).
    It just needs to be distributed right.
    Making every single person a billionaire is a bs idea. We have enough for every person and family to have more than enough to get by and more than enough to advance humanity in a few decades.
    Caleb is right on so many topics, but he's very off when it comes to the topic of when we could be able to move towards fill Communism, if we had a dictatorship of the proletariat in, at least a sizeable part of, the world.
    Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite!
    Down with US-imperialism!

  14. Great interview.
    Funny that Jon is concerned about a potential communist government picking “winners”

    My friend, look around. American capitalists with assistance from government are crushing small businesses

  15. Great review of the fundamentals of Communism/Marxism! The corporate system's gonna work hard to keep you off of people's screens, cuz your arguments are consistently air tight and deeply agreeable to the sensibilities of most Americans.

  16. Love how this interviewer is concerned about government picking favorites under communism.
    Look around, friend. The capitalists are crushing small businesses under capitalism

  17. COINTELPRO also went after all of the leaders of AIM (American Indian Movement) I first heard about COINTELPRO from my Lakota friends and my friends from Akwesasne.

  18. utopian claptrap, where individual rights give way to authoritarian regime , where liberty and free speech go to die…

  19. Market system under capitalism is more sexier than market system under communism. But industrializing a nation comes FASTER and more egalitarian under communism than capitalism. USA Capitalism used slavery and genocide and imperialism colonization importing of talents and stealing of scientists and socialist policies and 200 years of experimentation to industrialize. Then the capitalist nations kick down the ladder toward other former colonized 3rd world nations that wish to industrialize and tell those said 3rd worlds NOT to use coal or fossil for development but instead to liberalize it to sell to the neoliberals.

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