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Do The Japanese Find Miss Universe Japan’s Outfit Offensive? | Street Interview

Do The Japanese Find Miss Universe Japan’s Outfit Offensive? | Street Interview

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Japan is a country where people take traditional culture seriously. So when the Japanese contestant at the recent Miss Universe Pageant showed up on stage with her costume that’s designed to celebrate Japanese Harajuku fashion culture, things did not go down well for the Japanese public. Or at least that’s how it was reported in the Western media. Japanese people apparently found it insulting to Japanese culture, is what they said. So do ordinary Japanese people really find her outfit insulting or offensive? Our Asian Boss reporter hit the streets of Tokyo to find out.

The opinions expressed in this video are those of individual interviewees alone and do not reflect the views of ASIAN BOSS or the general Japanese population.

0:00 – Intro
1:16 – Japanese people reacting to the outfit
3:29 – How big of a deal is this in Japan?
4:39 – Japanese people’s thoughts on the outfit
5:26 – What do Japanese people think of tattoos?
8:30 – What was wrong with the outfit?
10:23 – Should the designer have been Japanese?
13:07 – Are contests like these outdated?

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About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. I'm not from Japan… I know I shouldn't say this but when I saw her dress I felt the same. It seems so cheap like not even a party wear.
    Japan has a rich culture and they could have been portrayed in a much better way.

  2. Offensive or not… That dress was trash. Like, something someone with no design experience and poor understanding of their goal would make before Halloween. Did he not even look at real Kimono patterns or read even the first few basic things about it online? I mean, just open Wikipedia and you'd know the rule of which way a kimono is closed… This "designer" seems to have vomited up all the cliché stereotypes he had in his memory. And only vaguely.

    Oh and the 日本 written on her chest
    …I mean, in first year of junior high art class we're already taught not to make such explicit and obvious references when trying to portray something. It's what kids do.

  3. The interviewer is disappointing; feeding loaded questions & seems to push for a certain reaction, i.e. emphasizing the word Tattoo or mentioning Kimono

  4. I saw the designer's reference from Nette's outfit which she won Eurovision and inspire in Japan culture.

  5. I would be embarrassed if I was a Japanese, why would the contestant allow her culture to be represented like that?

  6. Japan is such a mature country, that irrelevant slights like these never make the news. Or the public consciousness. Japan had joined the ranks of Canada, USA, Australia, UK. You can insult the word USA all you want, trample their flag on video. And absolutely nobody in America would care. The same is true in Japan.

    But if it were China who had their contestant wear it. Or an immature country like theirs. The foreign minister, press secretary, interior minister, would all be making a fuzz about it.

  7. Honestly that "Kimono" looks western or chinese to me, not japanese. And her hairstyle! Lol! Not only that, but she's wearing the Chrysanthemum Flower, which is the imperial family's crest/family kamon, which is unacceptable!

  8. it looks weird and rude , the chinese writing on her chest is quite ugly as well , at least write it neatly.

  9. Lol wtf.. dude firstly it wasn’t a kimono it was a dress.
    Secondly, ALL the costumes were outlandish because it’s Miss Universe and they were supposed to come out in clothes that reflected the culture of their country. So Canada was wearing a Mountie outfit, Iceland a block of ice, etc they were all meant to be exotic and over the top. She actually looked white tame in comparison.

  10. A bit late to this subject , I think it wouldn't be this bad if the designer would do research about kimono and harajuku fashion . Or even if you look on kimono you see there is a flow of pattern usually and use of flora and fauna. I had a course about design of kimono and in the end we even sew it. But firstly we worked on patterns and flow . Also theme and color palette. I think even I the designer checked about wa lolita and try to make it more harajuku it could have been done better

  11. truthfully when i saw her "kimono" or maybe not. i agree that her outfit kinda suit to the harajuku style too much cuteness because of pink but to write 日本 in her chest is kinda off, and style wise this can be even good kinda throw off everything without thinking that is it good or not. over all i think they want to show the modern Japanese style or culture but they overboard.

  12. Did not think it represented the “ Japan” culture & fashion that the world knows and loves. I thought it would have looked better on a fashion run way .
    Asian Boss have you ever thought about asking the Japanese public what they think of the issue of “ comfort women & their fight for justice ?”

  13. I also don’t mind that non-Japanese designer designs these outfits, but the fact that miss Japan herself and the team surrounding just said yes to this tacky dress is surprising. Do they simply take everything that is put in front of them?

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