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Dr. Phil S12E56 ~ Pageant Mom- Did She Put Her Daughter in Danger

Dr. Phil S12E56 ~ Pageant Mom- Did She Put Her Daughter in Danger

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  1. Whatever the owner of the site’s opinions or intentions were about letting it be posted, was just as bad. At the end of the day it’s a young girls innocence, not about teaching moms a lesson. Could’ve blurred out her face or just let it go, it will follow her whole life. Dr Phil shouldn’t have defended him, he enabled it just as much as the mom did🤷🏼‍♀️

  2. If your placed in pageantry, the right kind it absolutely can raise them up into very sophisticated young women who support their community . I know bc I've invested my time as a pageant girl/women .. Don't come for me🗣️ not commending this specific situation. Also it's a CHOICE typically to place a child in swimsuits it's extra money, at nine we'll I would not do that, personal opinion though. I'm just saying that this makes it all look bad it's not at all like this
    I would not put my daughter in before 14 though. With her willingness of course ❤️

  3. Wow….. How can they blame the Mother because men are being paedophiles. Typical logic in Hollyweird….. It's never the paedophile's fault. Disgusting!

  4. Sometimes people are so ridiculous that I think they can't possibly be real. Or maybe it's that I WISH they weren't.

  5. It should be against the law. Why do moms want to show off their daughters like this. Provocative is not what a little girl should be. Remember Jon Bennet.

  6. This situation overall is messed up. Nick to me seems as guilty as the mother. He wanted to teach other mums a lesson by allowing the photos be uploaded to his site? What??? That is a childlike, selfrighteous, and dangerous excuse that I cannot believe is not addressed by Dr. Phil. Am I the only one that sees that this is also not okay? And at the same time he blames the mum 4 everything, as if she is the one who gave clearence for the photos to be added to his site… That is his direct responsobility, hers is ever even letting the kid on the peagants. I get that, but If she is delusional, so is he…

  7. I completely agree with the police officer in this case. If you put your children in the public forum (be it on national television, competing in a child beauty pageant or publishing their photographs (in their pageant costumes) on your Facebook page and NOT making the images private) you run the risk that a predator will have access to those images and they will use them for nefarious purposes (like stealing them and doing a sexual act to a child's image when she looks like a 30 yr old woman in an 11 yr old's body.) And I am honestly SHOCKED that this mother is MORE irate about this gentleman published the images on his website….than she is about the other gentleman USING her daughter's image (taken from the show Toddler's and Tiara's as a screenshot) and used those images as a sexual stimulus and now, SHE, as Alaska's MOTHER, needs to react and protect her children by REMOVING them from the public eye because someone is targeting her daughter for a nefarious reason. IF ANYTHING, she could AT LEAST make sure that the images on her Facebook are set to private so predators cannot access the images from there.

  8. does the ''mother '' working something or she is just too dumb!! Is there are no socila services who can take the care of the kids in USA; obviously the mother must be put in an institution for a slow people, as she does not have enough IQ even to take care of herself!!

  9. What's with a mom of mixed kids being afraid of curly hair?! When they hit puberty, their hair texture and skin tone can change — it happened to my cousin is mixed and it happened to him. How about giving them positive pride in their heritage?

  10. I'm ½ black adopted by white parents and they love my hair! My dad even took time to learn how to style black hair 🙂 like the movie Hair Love

  11. that mom is a lunatic. hands down. delusional and pathetic. i feel so bad for the kids. and that teeny baby…the awful life they're about to live

  12. God only knows what she teaches her daughter behind closed doors she s dressings her as mutton dressed up instead of lamb

  13. Call me a paranoid mother but I will never put pictures of my son on social media. He is 9 years old and the only photo on Facebook is when he was a newborn. When he is 16 and wants to join social media, that's his decision but until then, I wont put any pictures of him on any social media

  14. These paegents are disgusting,! There is absolutely no reason to make a child look like an adult. They should be playing in the yard not being taught looks are what is so important. You mothers should be ashamed of yourselves. You are not mothers

  15. The mother is immediately sexualising her child with the clothing and make up and then complains that men are sexualising her. These pageants are wrong and these parents need reporting to the authorities

  16. My fear always goes back to poor Jon Benet Ramsey. You just don't know who is paying attention to your kids. I thought my kids were beautiful too… But I never put them in pageants. Pedos terrify me

  17. These pagents are ridiculous as is this mother. They are money makers preying on attention seeking parents. Use the money for college, music lessons, sports, dance lessons. These mothers need the attention. Very sad and a waste of resources

  18. The second lady….that was a bad situation but I'm not understanding prison… absence of mens rea…you can't be legally liable where there is no intent. She looks 14!!!!

  19. Hmmm. Funny thing….. When he did a 4 part series of Jon benet everybody said Dr phil picks and chooses his criticism acting as if Dr Phil was speaking on their behalf and was the devil for even talking to Burke as if innocent. But this mom I've also watched on TLC is fuc***g a nut with her kids and everybody says he was rude to her. U ppl make me sick

  20. Now here's a typical mother that lives vicariously through her children !! Do not tell me that any child in America would ever come to their mother's and plead can i please be a pageant 🤔 no what it is is women who feed of showing of their kids like they are some kind of ornaments🙄 And its truly creepy 😳
    She is full of it , she is depraved and pageantry is absolutely revolting!!
    These mother's should be ashamed of themselves, flaunting their daughters and i agree the mothers are wack jobs!!!!!

  21. Although I don't agree with the mom AT ALL, Nick needs to take the picture down!! Dr Phil really missed the mark with siding with Nick, especially when he cited, "free press in our country". Yes, we do have free press, but not for child porn!!

  22. Child Pageants are disgusting! These parents are living vicariously through these kids. This woman did the reality show to promote herself, period! She is exploiting and abusing her children! This woman is outraged at the wrong person. She needs to look in the mirror!

  23. I agree with the mom, sickos are sickos and they get off on kids playing at the beach as well as kids "dressed up"…. there have been children performers for DECADES and there's nothing wrong with that, it's the Pervs who see something sexual in a CHILD, no matter what they're wearing AND his website DOES sound like a Pornography site AND, she just caught him in a LIE about her trying to contact him 1st and he changed the subject.

  24. Pageants are a joke!
    The parents involved, have no real life!
    Maybe put the money spent to glamourize these underage children, in a college fund instead!

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