Drawing Fine Lines | Guy Cisternino, Nick Walker | Mutant & The Mouth EP 5

Drawing Fine Lines | Guy Cisternino, Nick Walker | Mutant & The Mouth EP 5

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Welcome back guys, after this past weekends podcast, we wanted to show you that, the previous episode was mainly for those who were asking questions, and we needed to clear the air. Back to our regularly scheduled program of Mutant & The Mouth.

0:00 welcome back
0:30 nicks new sponsor
3:20 how do i get sponsored
7:40 social media & bodybuilding
11:15 success vs pressure
16:43 sports
21:00 nicks worst prep
25:25 what is training intense
30:30 wannabe influencers
34:27 nicks chest growth tips
41:25 retirement
46:30 having a partner on prep
57:20 the worst part of prep
1:02:40 the unexpected
1:06:50 sundays podcast
1:13:40 Shawn rays post

Soundcloud –

Spotify –

Itunes –




Blackstonelabs.com – guycisternino
GaspOfficial.com – Guy15
fuelchef.com – Quadro20
HdMuscle.com – Mutant
YoungLA.com – Mutant
CardilloUSA.com..(read more at source)

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  1. You talk about your brand for a few seconds, not for 5 minutes straight… Like what Fouad does… He never talks about Hosstile.. he just mentions it here and there, not more than 5 seconds at one time.. that's how it's done perfectly..

  2. I like the podcast you had with a guest , honestly I think inviting more guest would make it more interesting. The topics are enlightening and very informative so please keep it going !!!

  3. So there’s this book I been reading by Arnold called the education of a bodybuilder I got from the library… I highly recommend reading it. So much stuff in there about him and bodybuilding that has been lost… I can see a lot of similarities between him and Nick. Nicks looking absolutely perfectly symmetrical… Do them symmetrical relaxed poses and then focus on expanding n opening with all them poses. The day of competition there will be no doubt in Nicks mind. Thank you for bringing excitement and something more to bodybuilding.

  4. Hey Nick and guy. All I want to say it thank you. Nick your a bad ass and guy your a very wise man. I listen to your podcast everyday in the morning to the way to college and really makes my day. You two inspired me to do my bodybuilding show that I’m going to do in 7.5 weeks. Thanks 🙏

  5. Guy, can you do a segment on what Jay Cutler means to both you and Nick?

    We always hear Jay say on the Cutler Cast that him and Nick talk a lot and we know Nick always looked up to Jay and that you are both friends with him.

    I would love to know what Nick admires about Jay and what their relationship is like?

  6. Yeah we have a 1 Jack ass in our gym( you visited us Guy at Definition Fitness Sylvania Ohio ) . This guy plants that god damned tri pod in the middle of the gym and yaps his trap for hours . He is loud , obnoxious and he thinks he’s a star .
    Hard to ignore , but I try like hell .

  7. At 61 years of age I’m of the opinion that today’s bodybuilders are better than ever. You definitely had genetic freaks that would be great in any era, but overall the top 10 of today are the best ever.

  8. Sorry to say.. but i hope the best for you guys.. but i dont think your kratom company will last long.. im pretty sure kratom will get banned soon.. especially the more light that it gets.. that plant ruins alot of peoples lives because of how addictive it is.
    And especially wont last long because Guy threatens people online all the time.. no matter what the person did.. just keep it to yourself instead of threatening the person by saying he wont be able to walk next time you see him.. come on Guy, grow up.. you are 40 years old and own a newly started company.

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