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Things got heated up! Elle Smith, Miss USA 2021 defends the new Miss USA, R’Bonney Gabriel.

Your thoughts?

#MISSUNIVERSE2022..(read more at source)

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See also  Miss USA song

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. This is sad. Lets talk about the PINK ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM …Theyre mad because TWO WOMEN OF COLOR won back-to-back. It's a competition! Only one person can win!!! When one door closes, another 1 opens!

  2. It is nice that you are supportive. However, the tone and pacing are horrible. Hopefully, next year will be more just.

  3. Elle is a class act and a person of high integrity…..She is to be commended for stepping to the forefront and addressing these "baseless allegations"…If u LISTEN to Elle's explanation and her facts, u would have to be an absolute idiot to not understand……😎

  4. Those who walk off the stage are have no respect to the other candidates. If they couldn't agree with the results , they should lodge their complaints with the organizer when they see something fishy and not wait till the winner is announced. They should not join pageants if they behave in such unsportsmanlike manner because among the many beautiful candidates only one will be the reigning queen. Thank you Elle for also making the clarification because those types of candidates are defaming not only the winner but also the organization.

  5. Some of the contestants just can't accept the defeat when you join this beauty pageant you gotta have the beauty the brain.talent and of course be ready for the Q&A that's where you show your true personality. So if you don't have that might as well not join that's why most Filipina are dominating the beauty pageant.

  6. People was talking about Miss Texas cuz she's so full package Confident smart πŸ€“ beautiful sexy body πŸ˜‚ plus half Fillipinos blood that's how they will do but Texas don't worry cuz I Kno that ur singing nd relaxing hahahah πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ Poor lots Of jealousy girlsπŸ₯°πŸ˜‚

  7. Only in Jesus Christ where in we can find salvation.
    Jesus Christ is the only to the Father .

  8. R’Bonney deserved to win for her beauty and brain. First FilAm Miss USA, stop Miss Montana for her racist jealousy! Move the f on!

  9. In Thailand we have a fictional series called 'War among pageant contestants'. It was about a fictictious beauty pageant and all the behind the scene drama. While most of it is grossly exagerrated I can't believe it's playing out in real life in Miss USA 2022..My heart goes out to R'Bonney and will be rooting for her alongside Miss Thailand at Miss Universe πŸ’—πŸ‘‘

  10. You're so on point. The other countries are watching. It looks so bad for miss universe next year. You were my favourite for miss universe 2021. Lots of love Elle.

  11. Sour grapes these girls were rude . Everyone can’t win. They should get ride of beauty contest. A bunch of jealous women shame on them. Miss Texas good luck you were the best.

  12. I`m so sorry and all this is BS and you know it bc that is favorites at the MIss USA AND YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE SO SAVED YOUR BS TO SOMEONE ELSE.. BY FELICIA YOU ARE A LIER!

  13. Shame on those who are bashing this year winner of the Miss USA title and including Miss Stewart and the entire Miss USA Organization. For those who are bashing and been cruel to the reigning Miss USA I only have one thing to say;. No wonder you didn't win the the USA title. The judges could see the kind of people you are!

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