EP 78 – Peter Bleakley from the Mormon Civil War co-hosts and Tim Ballard craziness continues!

EP 78 – Peter Bleakley from the Mormon Civil War co-hosts and Tim Ballard craziness continues!

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Sep 24, 2023
Greetings brothers and sisters! Welcome to the weekly MormonNewsRoundup where Dives and crew ruminate on the great and spacious beehive!

Full Title
EP 78 – Peter Bleakley from the Mormon Civil War co-hosts, celebrating Moroni day, Tim Ballard craziness continues, LDS Church appeals James Huntsman lawsuit, and temple updates

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Welcome to the MormonNewsRoundup!
Get to know Peter (5 minutes)
What’s your 45 second Mormon story?

Why did you start your podcast?
What are you hoping to accomplish with it?
There are tons of MCW podcasts out there, what makes LDC special and worth listening to?
What has been the reception to your episodes so far?

MNRU Joke of the week

Non Tim Ballard Stories
LDS are 22% gay

City of Cody issues building permit for Cody LDS temple

Heber Temple

LDS Church appeals, says James Huntsman’s tithing lawsuit poses ‘profound threat’ to religious liberty

Moroni Day!
Moroni Day? I don’t think so
Church News minifilm of Church historians Kyle McKay and Keith Erekson saying redemption of Joseph began in First Vision and Restoration began with Moroni Day. They seem to be changing the narrative now First Vision discredited and 1832 version didn’t launch a new Church as the skeptics have been predicting they would:

Remember that Moroni Day is the occultly significant Autumn Equinox
David McConkie Sex Abuse
This story dwarfs every other LDS story this week

Featured News Article
Who the heck is Tim Ballard!?

Bio of Tim Ballard

Church Condemns Timmy

LDS Church kneecaps Tim Ballard

Doubts about Vice reporting

Peggy Fletcher Stack gets salty

Tim Ballard’s Departure From Operation Underground Railroad Followed Sexual Misconduct Investigation

Tim Ballard responds to condemnation from his own church – Video

Tim Ballard is a hero!?

Best take on Tim Ballard scandal

Who does the LDS Church condemn anyways?
The church has never condemned the MNRU!
Nor the Mormon Civil war?

See also  Puerto Rico's Nellys Pimentel crowned Miss Earth 2019

Pres. Ballard tweets!
Uh, tone deaf much?

Elder Ballard promotes Tim Ballard
“I had the opportunity this past summer to travel to Plymouth, Massachusetts, with my friend Tim Ballard to learn more about what he had learned regarding Nephi’s vision of these early Pilgrims and how their history corroborates Nephi’s vision.” —M. Russell Ballard 12/18/19 (byui.edu)

Tim Ballard: A proclamation to the World

Wanna go on a $5,000 bus tour with Tim Ballard?
Absolutely I do!

Glenn Beck gets involved
Glen Beck takes down critical tweets

What will Elder Ballard speak about at the next general conference?

What ever happened to due process?
Even TWIM doesn’t like the look of this

Joseph Smith vs Tim Ballard
More parallels between Tim Ballard and Joseph Smith
And more
And more!
I would like to set the record straight that I have never pressured a co-host to take a shower with me

Kwaku weighs in and conflates psychics with stake patriarchs
Taken down!
Nephi trending on Twitter!

The reason the church denounced rather than excommunicated Tim Ballard!?

This story is actually going mainstream
sort of

Ballard to Ballard connection
Tim Ballard is in good standing?!
Operation Underground Railroad Child-Rescue Missions Were Based on Psychic Intelligence
Don’t believe the rumors about Tim Ballard

Tim Ballard meme

Tim Ballard in Deseret Book
Biggest story of the Month gets ZERO coverage at LDS Living
RFM – OUR insider speaks out Friday 22 September re psychic:

Jacob Hanson calls Peggy Fletcher stack a “Godbeite hack”:

What do you have planned in the future for your podcast?
New MNRU episodes live on YouTube Sundays at 9:30pm EST

Shoutout to Weird Alma on bandcamp.com for this episode’s music. Thanks so much for ruminating with us on the great and spacious beehive!

And remember, remember: No unhallowed hand can stop this podcast from progressing!

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  1. It's not christian to talk unproven accusations behind Tims back it doesn't say much for you or are you perfect

  2. People are leaving the church it was prophesied in the bible in the last days there will be a falling away only faithful will remain the morality is worse and the greed for money and satan is deceiving people using mormon stories podcast and this one

  3. Did anyone else notice that the reporter on the Ballard news item was a Nelson 😅😅😅😅😅

  4. Tim Ballard is nothing but a serial sexual predator.
    Okay, a con man grifter as well.
    He will burn in hell for how he has used abused children as a front for his own sick, twisted, criminal behavior.
    Lock him up.

  5. Packer's news drop on Elder Ballard's sketchy business dealings https://youtu.be/DXbcrDd4J-Q?si=hlf9Rr1jv0LUbzq9

  6. hidden true crime might be interested in the finance info regarding the church. She's an investigative reporter and was born into the Mormon Church. Any evidence could be helpful for a journalist like her.

  7. I love Peter Bleakley’s podcast and have listened to every episode. He has a great mind and is very articulate. He is also very kind and that comes through.
    I am so happy to see him getting this exposure. Having more people listen to what Peter has to say can only be a good thing for the world.
    Thank you, MNR. 👍🙏💜

  8. We are all on a faith journey. We all have primary beliefs and secondary beliefs. If your primary beliefs are the Book of Mormon is true than you can anchor to that and work on your secondary issues inside your covenant protection from the adversary who wants us to be angry and proud and tear down. I truest hope the best for you.

  9. I was bothered by the vaccine recommendation but even more so when he praised the New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Arden (who is a young leader in the World Economic Forum) and she committed evils on her people during c19 clampdown.

  10. Peter needs to speak more on many issues. He can sum up an issue so quickly! His comments on American politics is spot on!

  11. 2024? Did you come back from the future? I heard 2024… Interesting about the 22% gay comment. Our of 10 of us who were in my MTC district 2 that we know of were gay (20%) In my mission when i was an Assistant to the President, we had to send home 20-22% of the missionaries from our mission for "moral" issues aka. being gay and lesbian.

  12. Simon southern in Australia has been getting traction on this , exposing charity fraud in Australia so that members could get tax deductions for tithing ( an Australian legal regulation)

  13. I like Peter too. However his open and well informed commentary on LDS issues is likely giving the general authorities heart burn and potentially other health issues. These are very old men with delicate constitutions who shouldn't be subjected to such stress. If Moroni was the real deal I'm sure he'd agree.

  14. Where are at least 29 children Tim saved? Where rhe f r the photo ops
    ? All we got is phone $ounds of Freedom. I sniff fire and brimstone

  15. I'm lost wen it comes to Mormonism but this has really helped me understand how the church is run. Knowing this is coming from people who followed the church gives it credit

  16. The GB dude Donald at least had brain. Oh KwaÄ·u took his Tim Ballkard stuff down? Wonder why??, could it be $$$$$$$?????

  17. The Vatican of mormonism. Could not believe they obliterated the pioneer art heritage at SLC temple. The people have no. Cache. No class.

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