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“Miss America represents the highest ideals. She is a real combination of beauty, grace, and intelligence, artistic and refined. She is a type which the American Girl might well emulate.” Frederick Hickman
The list of All Miss America since 1921:
Margaret Gorman
Mary Campbell
Ruth Malcomson
Fay Lanphier
Norma Smallwood
Lois Delander
Marian Bergeron
Henrietta Leaver
Rose Coyle
Bette Cooper
Marilyn Meseke
Patricia Donnelly
Frances Marie Burke
Rosemary LaPlanche
Jo-Carroll Dennison
Jean Bartel
Venus Ramey
Bess Myerson
Marilyn Buferd
Barbara Jo Walker
BeBe Shopp
Jacque Mercer
Yolande Betbeze
Colleen Kay Hutchins
Neva Jane Langley
Evelyn Margaret Ay
Lee Meriwether
Sharon Ritchie
Marian McKnight
Marilyn Van Derbur
Mary Ann Mobley
Lynda Lee Mead
Nancy Ann Fleming
Maria Beale Fletcher
Jacquelyn Mayer
Donna Axum
Vonda Kay Van Dyke
Deborah Irene Bryant
Jane Anne Jayroe
Debra Dene Barnes
Judith Anne Ford
Pamela Anne Eldred
Phyllis Ann George
Laurie Lea Schaefer
Terry Anne Meeuwsen
Rebecca Ann King
Shirley Cothran
Tawny Elaine Godin
Dorothy Kathleen Benham
Susan Yvonne Perkins
Kylene Barker
Cheryl Prewitt
Susan Carol Powell
Grace Elizabeth Ward
Debra Sue Maffett
Vanessa Lynn Williams
Suzette Charles
Sharlene Wells
Susan Akin
Kellye Michele Cash
Kaye Lani Rae Rafko
Gretchen Elizabeth Carlson
Debbye Lynn Turner
Marjorie Judith Vincent
Carolyn Suzanne Sapp
Eva Leanza Cornett
Kimberly Clarice Aiken
Heather Whitestone
Shawntel Smith
Tara Dawn Holland
Katherine Shindle
Lauren Nicole Johnson
Heather Renee French
Angela Perez Baraquio
Katie Harman
Erika Harold
Ericka Yolanda Dunlap
Deidre Downs
Jennifer Berry
Lauren Nelson
Kirsten Iora Haglund
Katie Stam
Caressa Cameron
Teresa Scanlan
Laura Marie Kaeppeler
Mallory Hagan
Nina Davuluri
Kira Kazantsev
Which one is prettier?..(read more at source)
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What happens 1934 ?
There has been only one truly hateful Miss America. She is Gretchen Carlson.
Nicole Johnson was from Virginia not Florida
Miss America Here!!! I am Miss' 🇺🇸…
The crowning photo of 2015 Kira Kazantsev is NOT her.
1990, the first black woman to get a chance.
Wow took all the way til 1990 for a black Queen to win, we've came a long way.
Gretchen Carlson is the least attractive Miss America ever in my opinion when she was crown and the present time! Sorry to say!
Kenya Moore was miss America 1993
I wonder which state won the most
Lol no Louisiana rip
The living Miss Americas, so far:
From Past to Present
Bette Cooper
Frances Marie Burke
Jo-Carroll Dennison
BeBe Shopp
Lee Meriwether
Sharon Ritchie
Marian McKnight
Marilyn Van Derbur
Lynda Lee Mead
Nancy Fleming
Maria Fletcher
Jacquelyn Mayer
Donna Axum
Vonda Kay Van Dyke
Deborah Bryant
Jane Anne Jayroe
Debra Dene Barnes
Judith Ford
Pamela Eldred
Phyllis George
Laurie Lea Schaefer
Terry Meeuwsen
Rebecca Ann King
Shirley Cothran
Tawny Little
Dorothy Benham
Susan Perkins
Kylene Barker
Cheryl Prewitt
Susan Powell
Elizabeth Gracen
Debra Maffett
Vanessa Williams
Suzette Charles
Sharlene Wells Hawkes
Susan Akin
Kellye Cash
Kaye Lani Rae Rafko
Gretchen Carlson
Debbye Turner
Marjorie Vincent
Carolyn Suzanne Sapp
Leanza Cornett
Kimberly Clarice Aiken
Heather Whitestone
Shawntel Smith
Tara Dawn Holland
Katherine Shindle
Nicole Johnson
Heather French Henry
Angela Perez Baraquio
Katie Harman
Erika Harold
Ericka Dunlap
Deidre Downs
Jennifer Berry
Lauren Nelson
Kirsten Haglund
Katie Stam
Caressa Cameron
Teresa Scanlan
Laura Kaeppeler
Mallory Hagan
Nina Davuluri
Kira Kazantsev
Betty Cantrell
Savvy Shields
Anyone from Montana???!!!!!!
Miss America 1959 😂😂 When you're trying to take a good picture but you need your friend's help 😅
Incorrect photo for Kira! That's not her
All these ladies are lovely, but it's interesting to see the concept of beauty changing in less than 100 year. Most of the winners were voluptuous and "soft" looking until the late 1980s. Today, those women would never win as muscular, lean frames are preferred. And the lean, muscular frames would not win in contests before the late 1980s. What happened to Suzette Charles? She was Miss America for seven weeks after Vanessa Williams resigned. She merited inclusion. And I think it's ironic (and great) that Miss Williams is the most successful Miss America of all!
Nicole Johnson, 1999, was from Virginia, not Florida.
LOL… Wrong photo for Kira Kazantsev (last photo) That's someone else honey.
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nice but the last pic of Kira kasantsev is incorrect. it's not her lol