‘Extra’ Correspondent & Former Miss USA Cheslie Kryst Dies At Age 30 | THR News

‘Extra’ Correspondent & Former Miss USA Cheslie Kryst Dies At Age 30 | THR News

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Cheslie Kryst, an ‘Extra’ correspondent, and former Miss USA, has died. She was 30.

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#CheslieKryst #MissUSA #THRNews

‘Extra’ Correspondent & Former Miss USA Cheslie Kryst Dies At Age 30 | THR News

The Hollywood Reporter
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  1. Jumped off the 60th floor fake happiness terrible example black girl magic better have Harriet Tubman power fight struggle never give up Jesus!

  2. Quel gâchis🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️R.I.P.si t'as fait ce geste de désespoir c'est que t'avais sûrement tes raisons que personne ne saura malheureusement

  3. I suspect she was murdered…to call it a suicide is premature, the question is by who… THE MEDIA or OFFICIALS?

    Be aware officials cannot say so until the autopsy and an investigation is concluded…on average that can take days to weeks.

    People let's not leave our heads by the door!

  4. Sometimes you have to walk away from it all to save yourself. RIP 🙏 if you are suffering in silence 🔕 💔 please seek help. You are not alone and won't be judged

  5. 😞🙏🏽💘Beautiful Chelsie 🙏🏽🧡I’m sorry I wish I could of helped you 🥲Information is power Check on ur Strong Friend’s 😔

  6. Cheslie lives on inside of all of us to be the rays of sunshine and practice self care and be the love of the world.

  7. Rest in peace, darling. Since you're up there, you have to help us here in Thailand to win the Miss Universe Crown okay? All you have to do is to change the scores silently, and after that we will pray for you. Thailand people will miss you, kapunkha!

  8. Her essay said it all. Chasing empty dreams or someone’s dreams only bring emptiness (she became Ms. N. Carolina for her mom and a lawyer for her dad). She didn’t do anything for herself. Parents need to stop living off their kids and get a life.

  9. She chased what society said will make her happy. Her essay said it all, don’t follow society’s standards, just do what gives you meaning.

  10. There’s nothing original I can add. Just stunned like everyone else … Usually, ‘beauty contest’ winners are “pageant pretty;” that is to say, they look plastic & hologram-ish … But not her! She just radiated GORGEOUS!! Just strikingly, breath-takingly beautiful! … Prayers for her family and loved ones, as they deal with this incomprehensible loss.

  11. Why? She had so much love to give. Thousands of men would love to have her as their wife. Unbelievable.

  12. According to insider, Cheslie was intensely & constantly fighting with her parents, because they wanted her to practice her Lawyer MBA profession rather than being a entertainment correspondent in EXTRA.

    There were hurtful words given.
    She was also closeted LGBTQ+.
    New York Worsening Winter & Gloomy Weather, Lack of Sunlight, Depression sank in!

    She left her properties (with a note, not a will) to her mother- allegedly to hurt her mother & to make her feel guilty.

    In her essay in Allure Magazine May 2021 Kryst’s said “A grinning, crinkly-eyed glance at my achievements thus far makes me giddy about laying the groundwork for more, but turning 30 feels like a cold reminder that I’m running out of time to matter in society’s eyes — and it’s infuriating. —-Why earn more achievements just to collect another win? Why pursue another plaque or medal or line item on my resume if it’s for vanity’s sake, rather than out of passion? Why work so hard to capture the dreams I’ve been taught by society to want when I continue to only find emptiness?”

    Rest in Peace Cheslie 💔💔💔

  13. Looks can be deceiving.

    No matter what you see on the outside looking in, you simply cant tell what a person is truly going through or whether or not they're indeed enjoying life.

    A persons physical appearance, occupation, financial situation only give you a small glimpse into their world.

    Rest In Peace Cheslie

  14. I'm honestly shocked. She seemed like she had everything going for her. Having struggled with suicidal tendencies when I was younger I can all too well imagine what must have finally caused her to decide that she'd had enough of this world. I hope her spirit will finally be at peace. 😔

  15. Don't know her or anything about her. But given the list of her achievements before even 30, never has a suicide made less sense. Get the feeling she may been diagnosed with something she couldn't live with. Either way tragic she was gorgeous.

  16. Condolences to her family.
    This is horrible — suicide!!
    Regina King's son – now this lady lady. So tragic…

  17. Literally watched her interviewing Lily James and Sebastian Stan for Pam and Tommy what, last week? Crazy. 😭

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