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A rich girl and a broke girl can meet not only in everyday life, but also in prison. So let’s watch how to become the Queen of Jail!
#jail #prisoner #richvsbroke
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I edge to this channel
At 5:52 let me be the first to say that is not a fork, it is a dinglehopper
What in the name of hell did I just watch
Thanks because I definitely want to go to jail lol why was this recommended to me I don’t even watch these
27:07 Really? Why did they used it for this video😭😭 And even Mrbeast
Elon mucks is not a vampire the teeth looks fake in the photo
I like the poor better❤❤❤
What happened to this channel
What ever happened to the DIY?
Hannah. Koenig. Look. Love. The. Nan. Mom. No. 🍓🐟🐳🐋🐬🌨️☃️👼🏿🥰😍🤩🥳😭😂😂😅
Happy new year everyone
Miss you 2023 thank you troom troom 🥺
I wonder how many people noticed that Megan was not the one that was under the mask of thief… Only at the end. Thanks for letting thief see stars two times. ⭐ Please keep making that cartoon comedy, and let it be longer for maximum funny eyes comedy ❤️
No Elon is not a vampire
Happy New Year
Merry Christmas and happy new year 🎉🎉
Happy New Year