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This Channel Featured different Beauty Pageants like Miss Universe, Miss World , Miss International and Miss Earth . I also Featured local pageants such as Binibining Pilipinas, Miss World Philippines , Miss Philippines Earth and Miss Universe Philippines…(read more at source)

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See also  Chanel Jarrett prepares for Miss World International Pageant

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. It’s funny this was a question for the girls. Everybody knows American government don’t like old people. And Miss Guatemala 🇬🇹 that dress is so damn ugly. Happy for Miss USA now all the little blk and brown girls have a chance.

  2. No tie in the final! Technically miss Philippines is the corect answer! Malaking dayaan ang nangyaru ayaw Lang Nila sa Philippines ibigay ang korona! Mgi is big bias!

  3. Did Ms. USA say she would rather risk the OLD one than the younger? Yes it is but on other hand its very bad assumption. It was like shes saying vaccine is not safe to the public lol

  4. If Phillipine and USA the last standing in Miss Competition should be USA the winner..
    This is the what happened when MU 2012 between USA & Phillipine to be crown MU..
    So disappointed..Contested from Miss Phillipine should be Winner.. her Answer very smart

  5. Congratulations to all winners especially Ms. Grand International USA 🇺🇸 and first Runner up Ms. Philippines 🇵🇭 👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👏👏

  6. 4:58 I Think this is the most magical and most heartbreaking scene I witnessed in any pageant ever!! When Samantha spread her arms, knowing that she already gave all her best, she was like "I am Samantha, this is me. I hope you all see my light and my soul, my efforts and my true self." It is so powerful and really really heartbreaking knowing we knew what's gonna happen next…

  7. USA gave a song number in her answer. She did not even listen to the question well. (15 y.o. to 16 y.o.)
    PHILIPPINES gave the most precise and one based on facts and answered the question with a true golden heart.

    Afterall, the judges' decision is UNOFFICIAL and REVOKABLE. Seems like the judges are USELESS and NAWAT is the only judge in the CHEAPEST beaucon in the whole Universe. MGI is the BEST COOKING SHOW ever! Imagine having a triple tie? USA even struggled in her answer during the Top 5 final Q&A. Governor? or President? 🤔 🍳

    And perhaps, another reason why they don't want to crown any Philippine representative to the MISS GRAND INTERNATIONAL COOKING SHOW is that this is the only beaucon which the Philippines has not been crowned as the winner. They don't want PH to become the country to have won/crowned most of the beaucons in the whole universe.

  8. They get to answer one question and there is no isolation booth, lol! That trashed the whole production! The question is a cheesy moral question. There is no wrong or right answer because both answers represent a value! So it all boils down to the Manner and the Method their response in which USA was an absolute mess and an ultra cringy bag of filth. She was laughing as if this event was just a joke everyone in America will laugh about. Perhaps they do! She knew her answer was stupid, so she Laughed!!! She then tried to redeem herself by Kissing Ass. She has absolutely no poise and her dress is basically puke on a salad. she was arrogant laughing like the pageant was just a cheap spectacle. She then spoke in Thai like a vlogger trying to get subscribers by pretending to like the Philippines. Super Fake. And then when she was announced winner, she was so cheap. A queen doesnt kneel on the floor and look like she wants to scrub the toilet.

  9. we Filipinos love our senior mothers very much, we don't place or put them in foster homes. we really take care of our elders until the last days of their lives. Samantha's answer greatly showed how we love our seniors very much with a HEART. Unlike in such country as the USA, they don't love their senior mothers or elders, they place them in foster homes. that's how they take care of their elders in their last days of their lives. AMAZING

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  11. The answer is so obvious as the priority of vaccination goes to senior citizens first before teenagers . Miss Philippines nailed it 🇵🇭👏👏👏

  12. Everyone's Expecting PHILIPPINES !!!!!!!!!!!!👍🤣🇸🇽👍😎❤️ Announced

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