First Trans Woman to Win Miss Nevada…Next, Miss USA?

First Trans Woman to Win Miss Nevada…Next, Miss USA?

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The first Trans woman to win the Miss Nevada competition? Pretty based if you ask me.

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  1. I think women watch trans porn. Me personally, I watch female solos category. But I do think the the trans lady on sports illustrated is beautiful.
    I came from overseas to D.C. these group of girls came up to me and my homie after the club. These girls were 🔥🥵. This guy comes up angry and cussing. I was stepped up and was like "what's going on". He said "it's not you, it's them, they just tricked me in the club". I was like "men, I'm sorry I don't get down". They walked away cussing us out. That was my first experience.

  2. If this is the results of today's face reconstruction and plastic surgery, then man, can't wait to see what we can achieve in the next decade.

    Like seriously, it's becoming really difficult to tell apart and that's awesome.

    Hmmm…it feels like I'm becoming more of a transhumanist day by day lol.

  3. I would be more impressed if a transwoman won without trading on the woke currency of saying "I'm a transwoman." Win without declaring yourself, then say it with the crown. I haven't watched the competition, perhaps she was the best, but I also know for a fact that Nevada chapter of Miss America just got loads more attention, praise and funding for themselves by choosing her to win.

  4. Oh gods, I saw this in a news article on facebook and the boomer comments were wild! Soo many people trying to act like beauty pageants were a bulwark of feminist empowerment. And by letting a trans woman win one they were destroying the life chances of young women doctors and engineers and such around the world 😂. The knots people have to tie themselves into to try to justify their bigotry

  5. As a trans person, I now cringe every time we make the news. Even though it’s great that we are making some progress, and on an individual level this woman should be proud of herself. But things seem to be getting worse. The vitriol from terfs and conservatives is becoming SO dehumanizing. Don’t know how many insta pages from terfs being fully consumed with anti trans hate. Found one where they just put up images of ‘non passing’ trans women and they essentially just bully them in the comment section. It’s unrelenting cruelty and it’s exhausting.

  6. Who really cares? Beauty pageants are for idiots. Tell me about the first Trans person to win a nobel prize and it's news. I'm happy that this will fuc* with the morons who care about others gender identity. This is a tiny percentage of the population and not even relevant to most of our lives. Just leave them alone.

  7. It’s weird you didn’t know which one it was man. She’s the one that looks trans. ._. It’s very easy to tell. Always is. Doesn’t mean they are any less, but I’m not going to pretend I’m blind. I’m not going to say “no you’re a man” but I am going to know in my head how much plastic is going on when I meet someone, cis or otherwise.

  8. I think most folks can agree (even if they don't agree with it) that humanities understanding of gender is evolving. I think evolve is an appropriate word because it has been a gradual change. So the implication for me is that our understanding will continue to change over time. My question to the group is: what other changes might we see in 10 to 15 years?

  9. Conservatives, especially the anti SJW types, just can’t wrap their heads around trans people existing. They need to make up reasons so that they’re able to believe that trans existence is in any way unnatural.

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