Former Miss NC, Miss USA dies at 30

Former Miss NC, Miss USA dies at 30

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Cheslie Kryst is believed to have jumped from her high-rise apartment building in New York over the weekend…(read more at source)

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  1. Cheslie Kryst will be remembered for being intelligent, accomplished, beautiful, loving, caring, polished, pretty and an advocate for others. The way she died will NOT outshine how she lived.

  2. When you don't have Jesus Christ in your life, you will feel lost, without purpose, suicidal, etc. We all have issues to work through and what not, but those of us who have a relationship with Jesus, He gives us rest, peace and mercy.

  3. It's funny how we say rest in peace, after a suicide wow from reading the Bible and trying to understand what it say's about taking our own life is scary the word of God teaches us that suicide is a sin and that our life isn't our own we belong to Christ that God frowns on suicide,please I'm so sorry that this remarkable person was in so much pain that she plummeted herself from that terrace, but I'm also confused about the spiritual part of it,when we die it's only the beginning our souls live on our earthly flesh dies, how we leave this world Spiritually decides where we dwell for eternity,

    Thou art the land that is not cleansed, nor rained upon in the day of indignation

  5. I wish I knew her. I know many people say that you wouldn't know. That's not always the case. There are little things that only people with depression can recognize, subtle things. I am not saying that she would be here today if I knew her. The chances would be a lot higher though.

    Just a note: Depressed people never want to die, they just want their life to be better. They know that suicide is going to hurt a lot of people. Yet they still do it, that's just how low they feel. They feel that is the only way to stop the pain.

  6. This is terrible 😞 😢 😕 😔 😪 😐 😞 what could have pushed her to commit suicide so beautiful 😍 😢 💔 ❤ 😔 so intelligent have it all so sad this 👧 👨‍👧 👩‍👧 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 👨‍👧‍👧 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 👧 👨‍👧 👩‍👧 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 👨‍👧‍👧 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 👧 👨‍👧 👩‍👧 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 👨‍👧‍👧 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 ,

  7. According to insider, Cheslie was intensely & constantly fighting with her parents, because they wanted her to practice her Lawyer MBA profession rather than being a entertainment correspondent in EXTRA.

    There were hurtful words given.
    She was also closeted LGBTQ+ just like Gayle King her mentor. New York Worsening Winter & Gloomy Weather, Lack of Sunlight, Depression SANK in!

    She left her properties (with a note, not a will) to her mother- allegedly to hurt her mother & to make her feel guilty.

    In her essay in Allure Magazine-May 2021 Kryst said “A grinning, crinkly-eyed glance at my achievements thus far makes me giddy about laying the groundwork for more, but turning 30 feels like a COLD REMINDER that I’M RUNNING OUT OF TIME TO MATTER IN SOCIETY’s EYES, and it’s infuriating. —-WHY earn more achievements just to collect another win? WHY pursue another plaque or medal or line item on my resume if it’s for vanity’s sake, rather than out of passion? WHY work so hard to capture the dreams I’ve been taught by society to want when I continue to ONLY TO FIND EMPTINESS?”

    Rest in Peace Cheslie 💔💔💔

  8. Beautiful inside and out,smart,successful…and commits suicide??mental health ain't no joke😨

  9. I suspect she was murdered…to call it a suicide is premature, the question is by who… THE MEDIA or OFFICIALS?

    Be aware officials cannot say so until the autopsy and an investigation is concluded… on average that can take days to weeks.

    Also suicide notes can be faked…so let's wait and see… before we call it a sucide.

  10. She has died on 30th January at age 30. She jumped from the 29th floor. I think the age 29 was her last happy age. Who knows what these numbers mean?. RIP Cheslie

  11. Age is just a number it doesn’t matter what people think about us size olso is just a number doesn’t describe your self she felt pressure because age and what people think about her so sad 😞

  12. Damn that kills me inside. She looks like my daughter and I'm worried about depression. Depression kills ppl and we are losing the battle.

    Rest lovely intelligent lady ,rest just rest.

  13. This is beyond. Horrific. Were living in the end times. Hope this beautiful woman is finally at peace


  15. I have to wonder if she didn't win the Miss USA title, would she still be alive? It could have been too much for her to handle. 😢

  16. OMG OMG OMG, it is extremely deeply sad news, everyone please please please learn from this, this gorgeous woman forced to jump to her death, it is completely by demon, evil and devil messages to her brain, so everyone please never ever watch a vanpire, horror, extremely dangerous scary movies, I am serious. It is extremely sad news. Rest in peace.

  17. estamos en una sociedad exigentee con anciedad y presion social, esto causa depresion , y la verdad la vida deberia ser mas simple y bella y no deveriamos de exijirnos tanto como seres humanos , esta estupida idea de encajar en todo y ser centro de atencion, incluso por la presion social ,nos hace vulnerables a cualquier desiquilibrio mental ,cada dia veo como mas sicologos tratan de ayudar en este problema pero esto no es de sicologos esto es mas de tener paz interior y una mentalidad tranquilla sin tanta exigencia a nivel moral social y religioso ser felices sin tanta agonia y ver que al morir no nos llevamos nada solo las memoria de lo vivido ,

  18. being a mental health advocate
    she helped a lot of people when she herself is suffering too, generous caring person despite her own suffering

  19. Some black people were happy when suicide rates for white men was high and on the rise. Now suicide for black children and women is also going up.

  20. Mark 8:36 
    For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? 😓💔

  21. Rest In Peace beautiful soul, people remember to love and care who around you and always ask are you ok

  22. It was called “Romanticism,” Shelley, Byron and Keats also acquired a posthumous reputation as ‘Romantic’ because many aspects of their lives – including their travels around Europe and the fact they died young – conformed to the emerging nineteenth-century ideal-type of a Romantic hero.

  23. She felt old. I remember my Humanities Prof giving us reading assignments on the “die young” movement centuries ago. Tragic. And SO wrong! Howard University Washington DC Fall 1975.

  24. She was missing Christ in her life so sad, ppl have to Repent giving their life's to God only God can heal n delivered

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