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Following the suicide of former Miss USA Cheslie Kryst, those who knew and loved her are searching for answers. Kryst, who was also a civil attorney known for doing free legal work for those who may have been unjustly sentenced, was just 30 years old when she died by suicide in New York City, officials said. Kryst left behind a note leaving everything to her mom, but did not mention any motive, NYPD said…(read more at source)
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It's a tragic state of affairs in America when our very own Miss America suffers in such despair. R.I.P. child, America will regain her glory🙏
😞 so sad!!
This is just still to sad 😔 😟 🙁 😥
Why did she kill herself??
There you go the cause of her is that counselor talk to he she no help or bad advice
Man, you never know what someone is battling. She was really depressed to not have left any indication that she was going thru this. I'm so sad for her and now her family. Maybe they have answers they didn't know they had and maybe her therapist can shed some light without betraying her.😥
This is why it’s important to be nice to everyone. You may think that pretty girl has everything, but she’s actually broken inside. Same with that rich or good looking guy. We need to treat each other with care.
So sad..she was Gorgeous
I don't know, but sounds fishy. She had nothing but good things ahead of her. Very possible that it was a hidden mental illness or depression. But, 🤔 hummm, just not feeling it. Eitherway. Bless her and may she rest in peace.
RIP. So sad.
You'd think she'd want to leave a open coffin ready body rather than a roadkill mess. I get wanting to check out on you're own terms, but think of the lives her organs could have benefited from.
This is such a sad story. I said a prayer for her mother because no doubt she is in pain & hurt for life. And to think there was nothing that was found to why she committed suicide. I just wish she had talked to someone & explained life was getting to be too much. So she could have seemed help. And the way she died had torn up. Rip ..
Who knows how much abuse these women go thru in this industry
Maybe she was depressed u never know what's beyond a person's smile
What a beauty… what a lost 😢
Leaving a note is not a legal will. Hopefully she had a trust. Otherwise she died intestate, meaning the government gets a vote.
You can NEVER, EVER KNOW what a person is going through that will make him or her take their lives, which is why it is so important to just simply be KIND to everybody you meet.
This is incomprehensible. Could there be foul play?
She is unbelievably gorgeous. The kind of person to make you trip on the side walk. Wow! What a sad story. You just don't know what's going on in someone's mind. Never assume someone is ok just cos they present it.
It always makes me so sad when someone with so much promise feels such despair/emotional pain that suicide is seen as their only option. That they felt they couldn't turn to someone. You never know what someone is going through behind the smile. May she rest in peace.
As a woman who fights mental depression everyday my heart breaks because I know the pain she must have been in. God Bless her and her family.
So sad
The poor woman can you imagine the pain you have to be in to jump
Jesus christ is the way the truth and life Repent and start a new life .
She's in Heaven now where she is loved.
She was picked up and thrown
I suffer from 2 disorders, lm on many meds, l have not felt that emotional want of death in a good while. The doctors found my right meds. People pi$$ me off, because they say why didn't they talk to someone? I WAS THERE NOBODY GIVES A FOOk!!!!! Mentally ill folk, don't get a look in & that's FACTSSSSSS 💯 😤
So devastating! RIP Cheslie.
I donno , but I feel like there should be an investigation. There is more than just suicide. Why isnt there a single report of investigation. Like what happened the previous night, or that morning or why isnt the footage of cctv recorded. Not saying its a murder, but it could be an abettement to suicide too..
What if it was a set up? She was literally so excited! ONE of 3 Black women to win! She was already taking care of her mental health and if there is no motive. It just seems staged. That women was a Light!! I wouldn't be surprised if someone wanted to get rid of her. However if it was because of her mental health then my goodness I am so sorry to her and my condolences to her family! Rest in Heaven you Beautiful Angel!🙏❤
The saddest irony is that when it’s a pageant winning black woman who dies in such a manner society is shocked, it is reported and discussed as an important issue, yet ignores and rarely acknowledges when it happens to the average, everyday women of color.
She was pushed
Rest in peace wow so young and beautiful to end her life like that
So many people have faced death, bankruptcy, unemployment, homelessness, lost loved ones but suicide has never and will never be the answer. You leave so many unanswered questions, broken hearts and probably your problems continue to exist beyond your death. May she RIP.
I've battle depression for years it's no joke because 1 minute I'm full of life the next minute I'm so sad. So I'm working on myself at all times 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Sad as hell. She seemed so happy
For he mental health she should’ve seeked God instead of a counselor!!! Demonic spirits make people take their own lives.
Suffer in silence 🥺
I hope there is a thorough and deep investigation, that last Instagram post doesn't make any sense
This is so sad. My condolences to the family.
definitely would have been some hint to someone close to her, to those that Really knew her, somebody knows more.
I pray for her family and loved ones left with questions and pain.
Only Jesus Christ can give comfort in such a situations.
HE is the peace, that passes all understanding.😓💔🙏
Its sad but if she wasnt pretty most people wouldn't care. Hopefully shes resting in peace now.