Government Says YOUR Vaccination Status Is THEIR Business!

Government Says YOUR Vaccination Status Is THEIR Business!

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Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Beccera told a CNN host that the vaccination status of American citizens is absolutely the business of the federal government. This statement requires a bit of background for the sake of… (CONTINUE READING / SOURCES:

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  1. Next Year rfid chips. Credit health records spending all that. Tell me how taking my money as an interest free loan then telling me that you writing my check back to me is "Giving" me anything?

  2. I said it from the beginning that they would isolate and discriminate against people who don't get the vaccine. Just like the Mark of the Beast. Just like Not See, Germ man nee.

  3. So they will not tell people getting welfare or assistance that they have to take drug tests but they have the right to force you to get the vaccine? Please explain that to me

  4. God never told me to vaccinate. They are evil & wicked people who do not want to do GOD'S HOLY WAY! They are going to be sorry. THEY DON'T see it now! But THEY are going to. THEY should stop because they are not good. THEY are going to fight. Their intentions are evil & wicked. There are many who understands. This whole thing is because of globalism. This is because they are satanic & do not care about the welfare of anyone's soul. They are not good. Their agenda speaks for itself. Agenda 21. Agenda 2030. Or event 201. & even the Georgia guidestones. This says it clearly. They want to depopulate. TURN TO GOD! He is the only 1 who protects.

  5. I say whatever happened to be Democrats my body my choice bulshit it's okay to think he'll babies in the womb claiming it's a mother's right to her body yet they won't let me claim the right to my old body and not get the vaccination

  6. This is the first step to communist rule. Socialism is the natural progression of communist rule. Dictatorship is the real goal of socialism. Do the math…you sheep.

  7. I'm as concerned about the title 'Health and HUMAN Services' – 'Health Services' should suffice unless to state specifically animal for instance!

  8. No its not their business. My body my choice. Let em come to my door. I dare them. As much as they're pushing it so hard ill never take it. There's something in it tget want in us.

  9. Politicians are out of touch thinking they will go door to door knocking and asking if youve been vaccinated.i live in the south all i can say for the ones knocking have your life insurance policy up to date.

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