Gretchen Carlson on Decision to Eliminate Miss America Swimsuit Competition

Gretchen Carlson on Decision to Eliminate Miss America Swimsuit Competition

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The Miss America organization is eliminating the swimsuit competition in a historic makeover of the iconic pageant. The new chairwoman of Miss America, Gretchen Carlson, spearheaded the sweeping changes. To make the point, the organization tweeted a white bikini going up in smoke, with the hashtag “bye, bye bikini.” Carlson was at the vanguard of the #MeToo movement, having successfully sued FOX News chief Roger Ailes for sexual harassment. #InsideEdition..(read more at source)

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  1. why even have beauty contest if you're not gonna judge the winner by the appearance? anyone can enter the contest for that matter what's the different if look doesn't matter?

  2. how ridiculous no swimsuit 🩱
    I’m NOT interest to watch miss booo booo that how Miss Alaska win 🥇 👎👎👎👎👎👎 stupid

  3. It was so ironic that Gretchen fought Fox News because she was bullied and harassed, but then became a bully at the Miss America Organization.

  4. "And now we proudly present the new reigning champion, transgender activist Jessica Yaniv! 'There zie is, Mx America….!'"

  5. Yami Marik should banish Gretchen Carlson to the shadow realm for all eternity for getting rid of the swimsuit competition.

  6. In the early eighties at the Mall of America Gretchen Gave me the eyes I thought she was very ugly and I just kept walking true story

  7. What happened to Gretchen? She looks like she had a rough night. I guess that 20mil means FU I don’t need to try any more.

  8. Eh, as a woman, Im not so much offended by the evening gown and swimsuit, but that they force all of these women to look so cookiecutter. As someone else already mentioned, at least we still have the Victoria's Secret fashion show -yes all the models may have the same size 2 body, but at least they typically have a more exotic look, and interesting facial features

  9. Funny how the media doesn't state the most obvious question. So any woman that is smart, intelligent, and ugly qualifies right? Watch, there won't be an ugly girl in site on that show. Bunch of hypocrites. Defeats the purpose of their morality

  10. Looks like the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show will probably be next. These women just need to chop their boobs off and dress like nuns.

  11. YAY FOR PROGESSIVEISMSISMS! GL with Miss America! Ops. Did I just assume a gender? We gotta change that title. Then open the pageant up for all genders. Then change the rules. Then change the name again so it is more inclusive. Then allow pets in. Then change the name and rules. Then cater to all 84235 genders. Then change the rules again and again and again because reasons. Then change the name to #METOO and ignorantly hate all men! YAY for progressive peoples!


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