Gyspy Tries Being a Glamour Model | The Gypsies Next Door | OMG Weddings

Gyspy Tries Being a Glamour Model | The Gypsies Next Door | OMG Weddings

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The fourth episode of this brand new series, GYPSIES NEXT DOOR, explores for the first time why the Gypsy and Traveller communities often struggle to live side by side.

18 year old Scarlett and 16 year old Tammy share a trailer on a permanent site in Luton with their family. Scarlett doesn’t want to be “typical traveller wife when your husband comes home from work expecting dinner on the table”. “If you want your dinner, you go and get your own” she says. She has dreams of being a successful model and non traveller model Danielle Mason, is going to help show her the way.

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  1. Scarlett doesn't even know how to spell write or read bless her. She can't even cook?! So why would you hand her a laptop?! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  2. Why aren't they wearing helmets when travelling on the road with horse and buggy? Also, what gypsy girls wear to weddings and night clubs etc is far more out there than wearing swimwear or underwear. I wish gypsies the best with their lifestyle.

  3. I've watched these gypsy shows for years and this is the first time that I've heard of gypsy wimen/girls dressing with even the slightest amount of modesty

  4. With more and more homeless people in the world why do those two entitled ‘businessmen’ think their way if life is BETTER or more important than the travellers?? #HatefulEntitledTwats

  5. The traveller girls have good morals and these lovely people make me want to be a traveller! Who wants to conform to a bunch of sheep living in a very sick, superficial ‘modern’ society? The travellers have the right idea! 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻

  6. Her so-called ‘friend’ knew she couldn’t wear underwear. And then gets mad at her when she has a problem with it being underwear… 😡😡

  7. I think what we find as strange is the fact that they dress as if they are tarts, they way they dance in such a seductive way, yet there morals & standards are so high. They get chaperoned before the wedding, get married young & start a family so soon. There's no unmarried teens, no living together. Their families are tightly knit & supportive.

  8. They just look so old for their age. It’s unbelievable. This is like an older version of toddlers & tiaras on steroids. More like honey boo boo and her family decided to become travelers. 😅😅

  9. OK I see these girls walk around on bras and very barely there shorts…worried about what they wear?! And no judgement but if he'd work he could get them a house. He just goofs around all day it seems like.

  10. So tax payers can’t get a huge family home but they can and that isn’t enough? Wtf, that’s not a God fearing person. So us none gypsy or traveler can demand houses built to settle at instead of awful housing association flats that we can’t get a good nights sleep in due to the shoddy cheap footing allowing noise and footsteps, talking, tv’s on to wake you. Those other 2 women glamour models are brainwashing that traveler, they have to not shame their family which is a lead most none traveler women need to learn. What about Muslim communities that don’t want to integrate and all the other groups of people.

  11. I don’t understand what they r worried about. Glamour models wear lacy underwear, but, they can wear short short skirts,tube tops etc etc….they dress pretty trashy every day. Showing skin….

  12. Cross-dressers look better then those females . All that plastic on their face make them look like they got beat up by an ugly tree 🤣 not to mention it looks like they do their makeup 💄 in the dark. I cant believe they are models. Maybe for clown catalogs maybe 🤣🤣🤣

  13. They have to be some of the worst lips I've ever seen! The gypsy girl has beautiful eyes and doesnt need the fakery, the blonde has a face that looks like a half melted crisp packet

  14. They’re called camp sites… you pay for them and accept the rules. Go there like everyone else!! I went camping every summer too YOU LOT MAKE IT COMPLICATED 🤦🏼‍♀️ so hard to have sympathy when you guys are the ones not condemning your own for shitting in children’s parks… anyone else did that they’d be out On the sex offenders list. You’re the opposite of victimised you’re privileged and life above the law 🙄

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