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  1. We are all just a concinous and god is in you they is no sky daddy, you have been fooled your wholel life. smh

  2. The Alabama Supreme Court is establishing religion. It's in the First F!@#$ Amendment. The First One. You can't do that. You're trying to do that. Stop it.

  3. America must allow religious freedom. And the laws from god bestow those rights. God will be represented. Enjoy

  4. It would really be good if our government leaders at all levels would refrain from referring to this bronze / iron age shaman invented god in their talks and speeches ! Keep your religious B S to yourselves in the same way you expect muslim , hindu and other religious political leaders to do so ! Secular humanistic principles that are universal are the ones that ought to be promulgated and spread nationally and internationally to foster Unity , peace , Cooperation and global cohesion to safeguard our world for ourselves and all life !

  5. NBC again missing one key factor, what about all the people who entered the country without medical clearance or any filtering? Yet they focus only on Florida? Why should people trust anything coming from NBC. Wow

  6. Why aren't you showing the studies about the vaccines? Cause weneed to take your word for it? We don't want to be forced to take a product that we're not allowed to see proof of. What's the ingredients? What's the toxicology reports on any of the ingredients when they're not included in a vaccine recipe? Do toxologists agree that these ingredients are entirely "safe and effective"? Because the public is learning your paycheck comes from these coerced products. Stop selling your souls for a lame job.

  7. Who's Next ? ALL Conservatives in New York are targets. People are fleeing NY as fast as they can and are taking their money with them. New York is desperate to skim as much money as they can before the last of their political enemies runs for a safe state. THEN, Who's Next ?

  8. Nikki going as far as identifying herself as white while defending racism toward PoC just to get as much white voter as she can, yet still… losing.

    FACTS. ✝🙏❤

  10. Why if you google richest man 🌎
    ( man )
    It is Puttin..

    Even Elon Musk
    Spoke he is not the richest it is Vladimir Putin.

    Elon takes care of sooo many on this 🌎.
    A true genius.
    We are all paying for a WAR while broke and paying more for all things.

    Trump at least spoke with
    All leader's to communicate & ??

    When was the last time Joe
    Met with

    Nobody wins in war.
    WAR IS MEANT TO GO ON & ON $$$$😢

  11. Stock market doing well doesn'tean everyone is eating well.

    If the stockarket is doing well. Someone is not doing well.

    It only means. Someone lost their money…..

  12. Nvidia is the same today then 20 years ago.
    Is just the brain on computerized systems.

    As for look at their stock, yes look at inflation.

  13. So am i the only ine that thinks that with all the new children migrant children that to what knolsdge being that only covid was a factor and then instant release then like new york putting migrants in public schools i wounder where the the new out breaks possibly came from you know im just a stupid dirt farmer but when i introduce new animals with my herd i make sure they have all there shots before i put them with the herd but im just a stupid dirt farmer who understands common sence

  14. According to this judge's logic, women menstruating is killing babies. Get this primitive, caveman religion out of government asap!

  15. Just unsubscribed. This is not News. It's unfortunate but our "news" has been hijacked by polital parties vying for power. These "news" station have hired people with a political agenda. It's obvious. Where is the other news outside of politics? Real News.

  16. I have been voting since I was 18 and I have never voted for a Republican and I never voted for Trump and he has lost both of his two elections and he is a simpleton and I know one when I see one. Hate is his only agenda and I have never voted for a criminal and I will never. Trump is running to avoid going to prison well you are the candidate for the Republican Party I pray so I hope you like Little Debbie because you are going to see a lot of those in prison I am told. I have no first hand knowledge because I have never been arrested and Trump can’t buy his way out of the mess he made and he is going to the Big House. He will call it the White House for sure but he is one crazy SOB

  17. So, I guess the term; national security threat has been used more and more since about the Pandemic started. Or; 9/11. So whenever the important "red flag" terms become more frequently used; it is a sign. Perhaps a list of all types of likely "national security threats"? Or , the three basic types. Major, minor and moderate. Red light threats. Green light threats. Yellow light threats. Use the list of both passed and vetoed bills in a referential of commonality and other such variants. Review a pattern board and apply the referendum. Make the graph which clarifies the options after the choices have been met and challenged. This, all in the name of my Tristate Agenda. The Space Marines. Old Earth Army. H.E.M.I.

  18. Invetro should be legal, but isn't only rich women that can afford to have it?? Conservatives sure changed their mind about that!! Isn't it interesting that the so called religious people have decided that it's up to them to decide God's word. Did Jesus strike down people who didn't choose to follow him? NO! Did not God give Adam & Eve free will? YES! It appears that these so called religious people have decided that their will is above God & Jesus. Your time might be better spent in dealing with their own lives instead of deciding other people's lives. You don't believe in God's word, you believe in using God's name to promote what you want.

  19. Friend: “Don’t run alone.”
    Woman: “I refuse to live in fear!”
    World: “Wish granted. RIP.”

  20. Artificial Intelligence is a SCAM because it cannot compete with Authentic Intelligence! Period!

  21. "I fully intend; to have already earned for myself, a Golden Dime. My profit from having provided for taking control over the world again." -Commish

  22. I have created an economic market model for the world. Social media and the bit coin. That will bring social humanities above the current rate of averages. It's the tristate dollar. From the Tristate Agenda. Not the ATA ; yes the GTA. Use the moving parts to create a pattern to generate a friction blanket to place over the known pattern. This is the Tristate interactive Economy. It's a three part but coin; one part social media global investing plan. Basically a forum for cybernetic securities. How to make money safe. That the plan.

  23. Seems like the law wrapped the piggy bank up and gave them the cookie jar- given the amount of “charity” money the NRA earns to use so it can continue to be the largest lobbying “charity” organization in Washington. Charity itself a word stemming from Caritas- love, followed by Middle English-“Christian love of one’s fellows.”

    There is NOTHING in the teaching of Jesus remotely relating to supporting children being ripped apart while sitting in the classroom. We need to revise this “non profit”BS.

  24. at 14:45, had these white dudes ever learn from countries whose based their government to religion to be a bit ruthles and repress their citizens, as long as i live religion taught us nothing about the complexity of real life humanity

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