Happy Days Are Here Again – Vanessa Williams

Happy Days Are Here Again – Vanessa Williams

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I have been searching for this clip for a long time and I’m glad I finally found it.
From the time I heard Vanessa Williams sing this live from Atlantic City at the Miss America Pageant I kinda knew that she was going to be crowned the winner. In my opinion a class act.

Clip courtesy of the following:

Daily Motion dot com
General Electric..(read more at source)

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  1. I saw her at her last public appearance in Little Rock, AR before the sh t hit the fan. I’m glad I got a photo and autograph

  2. I interviewed a guitarist who was blessed to work with her and Barbra Streisand, not at the same time. He loved both of them. They're class acts!

  3. Lovely singing, but see how elegant those ladies are without their breast out. Her grown is around her body so elegantly without showing all her ceviche ❤🙏♥️💯👏✅

  4. Wow first time seeing this talent. She has an incredible voice! No wonder she won Miss America! At the end of the day, it is so unfortunate that she was forced to resign when someone decided to publish the photos without her consent! After she achieved stardom, I’m not surprised that the Miss America Org. decided to apologize and play into the 1984 scandal by apologizing to her in 2016!!

  5. Watching this video OVER and OVER again makes me come to several conclusions. Vanessa Williams deserved the crown. Hands down. Stop playing. The other insight I take away from the stripping of her crown is purely racism. The Miss America Organization could have taken a bold stance (even in 1984) and shown a solidarity to their first BLACK MISS AMERICA. Let's face it. The whole Penthouse magazine scandal and even eventually The PlayBoy Magazine cover (featuring George Burns. Look it up) was pure exploitation and misogyny and racism. I'm done. I will always applaud Vanessa Williams for rising above and despite making bad choices (as we always do) in our youth still rising above. And presenting a fine example of beautiful black girl magic.

  6. As a then 12 year old (since MA was always back then the 2nd Saturday night in September of the previous year), Vanessa was the one my mom and myself wanted to win. She IS & will ALWAYS be THE MISS AMERICA!!! No disrespect to the other beautiful young black woman, Miss New Jersey, and 2nd black woman to wear the crown, Suzette Charles but Vanessa being nominated for 11 Grammys, 3 Emmys & 1 Tony clearly shows that Vanessa has also had the more stellar career & also beloved by millions and millions of people around the world!!! Love you always & forever Vanessa!!!

  7. I remember watching the night that she made history she just stood out not because she was absolutely gorgeous but she had the it factor you just knew she was going to be a superstar

  8. I was watching the night she won she just stood out above everyone else they had no choice because she was just star .Vanessa just has the it factor

  9. Singing an UPBEAT BOYANT TUNE LIKE THIS (that has the equivalency of a FUNERAL DIRGE!) is WRONG regardless of the singer! Barbara Streisand did this, and she committed a musical crime in doing so!

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