How Mom Buys 12 Dresses For 1 Pageant…

How Mom Buys 12 Dresses For 1 Pageant…

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How Mom Buys 12 Dresses For 1 Pageant

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  1. Omg I was in Barbazon modeling school as well!!! When I was in 9th grade! Never did pageants tho! Also of course she got a butt load of trophies Queen is the Queeeeen!!!!!

  2. I think i may have senced a teeny bit of disintrest with the lil girl, just cus how she said her mom was a crazy pagent mom then the mom asked her to give her a kiss when she was getrin her nails done and the lil girl shook her head no and seemed like she was just misreable. Idk tho, maybe not. But DAMN 11,000 for 12 dresses, thats like 1,000 a piece and buy 11 and get one free lol. Thats crazy man. They should make that stuff more affordable or do a trade thing with dress store or somethin man cus they are gonna grow out of them in less then a year and only gonna wear them once it just seems like a waist and then lil girls that wanna get into that and have families that dont have enough money to do it is just so sad.
    Qween is so humbel, so sweet girl🤗❤😘
    Thanks for all yall do! Much love, G🤗❤

  3. Man just so happy to know and be a part of this fam. Such a beautiful family thank God for you both💯🙂👍♥️ Yeppers

  4. He’s stuck on 11 gs. Truth be told, she probably spent closer to $25,000 with everything to get a plastic trophy and at most a couple grand in money. And that’s only if the child wins!

  5. It's not just that they cost a ridiculous amount of money.

    But it has cost some girls their self esteem!
    It's caused some girls to have severely warped and shallow view and perception of what "true beauty" actually is, or how that personally relates to them, as well their place in the world !

    ESPECIALLY when they start at an age where they're too young to be fully self aware or have the ability to understand what they're doing and why!
    There are pageants for friggin BABIES for crying out loud!!!
    Tiny toddlers raised up to believe that beauty is ONLY about their outward appearance!
    That beauty something thats defined and judged by other people!

    They have to meet other people's standards and they must adopt these standards as their own if they want to be beautiful!

    They can't even considered beautiful unless they change almost everything natural about themselves!

    From make up
    Fake hair
    Fake nails
    Fake teeth
    Fake lashes
    Fake tan
    Fake walk
    And fake talk!

    Nothing about you REAL beauty, unless everything about you isn't REAL!

    Imagine what it's like for some of these girls while they're minds and bodies are growing and changing….

    And they're fighting and hating every minute of it, instead of enjoying the journey of growing up, learning about themselves, discovering new joys and hidden talents while loving themselves not just as they are now, but loving who they're becoming, with pride and optimism for their future!

    It's not just pageants either!

    So much is currently adding to this cycle of sexist trauma!
    And it's soooooooooo incredibly toxic!

    it really worries and saddens me, that there are too many people who are just completely unaware of this….

    I'm raising my 2 boys to understand how problematic that is, attitudes need to change and minds need enlightenment.

    Sorry for looooooong comment!
    I have a lot to say.

  6. I'm a single mom of 2 daughters 11 and 4. different dads. i don't have a husband or boyfriend. i'm happily single. If i had the money i would have my 4 yr old daughter in gymnastics or cheer but that stuff is so darn pricey. her dad is behind in child support. he doesn't want to work he wants to play. My oldest daughter plays softball every year and loves it. the school is having 5th and 6th grade volleyball she played last weekend and did great. 2 more games. I don't like sports only when my daughter is playing i care and love watching. her dad pays child support so that's how i can afford to have her play sports. I never was sports kid in school. that show toddler and tiaras was a crazy a** show lol.

  7. It seems to me from an outsider looking in, it looks like these pageants exploits young girls.
    Let kids be kids.

  8. People used to just sing for pleasure. It's sad people think that they can't sing when it used to be something that everybody did. Dance is kind of gone the same way

  9. Hey hey ..I went to Barbizon Modeling School too Queen .. when I was 13 I think. Only for one full course .. it was a great experience .. taught me how to walk with a straight back. The most fun part was we got to go into Sears on Ponce De Leon & pick out our outfits to model .. we got to keep the outfit!!!!
    Now I do have a daughter. I helped her enter a pre-national pageant in Atlanta when she was 16. I only agreed bc she was so shy I thought it would help her break out of some of her shyness. She did really well & placed in photogenic along with qualifications to attend the Nationals in Florida. But that was where we drew the line .. we didn't have the money & the goal we had in the beginning had been met. My daughter had a great time, earned some good experiences & gained a lot of self confidence. Also we live in a small town & I went out on foot around town to gather sponsorships plus I was able to book my daughter on a local news station for an interview & they posted sponsorship info via TV airing. The entire experience I think contributed to the great woman she is today. But yes many many mothers take the Pageantry way too far. Kayla im not surprised on ur accomplishments with the pageantry bc you are a stunning young woman. Ok Yall .. luv you guys .. take good care. Night🙋🏼‍♀️❣️

  10. Hey Fam! Queen and L’s children, grandchildren, great grandchildren will always look back at these videos to see what true “Love” is! 🥰❤️ I hope YouTube or your recording last forever!

  11. My friend used to enter her daughters in pageants. Her oldest girl did pretty good. The middle daughter was a total nightmare. "A Karen" and the youngest daughter went on to enter junior miss and miss teen California pageants. She decided to go back to rodeoing. My friend paid thousands of dollars for pageant dresses. Casual wear, sports wear, swim wear and fancy wear. I have often told my friend that she could have bought a good horse with the money she spent on pageants.

  12. Yep it’s crazy the money and Queen congratulations on your trophies and on a down note it reminds me of Jonbone Ramey sorry it’s a dower prayer to her killer never found

  13. How time flies and now j.j. from Good Times is on a a r p and queen watching Cyanide & Happiness shouting Christmas jammies while being nice and lit was a Christmas treat that needs to come back

  14. I'm glad I had boys. I can see it at the age Queen started, but the younger girls it can be so overdone. Y'all make my day. Much love! ❤️

  15. They should also exclude ANY and ALL SINGLE MEN from attending these pageants. If you are a single man that attends these child pageants, YOU ARE A PERVERT.

  16. It was to funny when queen told L that's nasty after he said he think about it.🤣😂 shout out to jj and good times

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