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How the media misled us about Russiagate w/Jeff Gerth | The Chris Hedges Report

How the media misled us about Russiagate w/Jeff Gerth | The Chris Hedges Report

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Veteran New York Times reporter Jeff Gerth dissects the role of the media in concocting a false narrative portraying Trump as a ‘Russian asset’ rather than a homegrown horror.

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  1. Bob Woodward should never show his fraudulent face again. Hack.
    Rachel Maddow should go to jail.
    Two years of public scorn needs to be exacted on so many Liars.

  2. I recall back in 2016/2017 an older neighbor regurgitating Trump/Russia talking points from Newsweek – i knew it was a lie immediately…but those who trusted the old media were totally taken in by the lie…then of course – these same people ended up voting in a actual warmongering authoritarian in joe Bide – we're pretty pathetic

  3. Brilliant interview. Really lays out the whole story objectively & without sensationalism. It cannot be understated, also, that Russiagate was essentially used to marinade the U.S. public for the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. My only issue with Mr. Gerth is at the end when he suggests that the U.S. does "some" election meddling as well. I'm sorry… how can you be so knowledgeable about this subject, and not comprehend the vast control operations perpetrated by the U.S. in every country around the globe? The U.S. doesn't meddle "some." We wrote the book on meddling! Blackmail, regime change, bribery, coercion, assassination, military interventions, and of course, NGO's & proxy wars. How can you compare any other nation in history to the U.S.?

  4. Why is he so boring? Must he be boring ? Is there a law on the necessity of being boring ? A tired old man repeating a tired old story .

  5. What is the old Mark Twain saying, by the time a lie makes it around the world. The truth just had enough time to put on its pants.

  6. Well, I missed this one 4 days late. Thank you, Chris Hedges, for all your dedication to educating our world.Thank you for having Jeff Gerth on. Excellent discussion and interview. IN THE 1950S, CORRECT!

  7. I'd like to know why my comment I posted yesterday has been deleted. I think YouTube should change its name to PravdaTube and be done with it: After all the vision was clear in the Soviet Union as everyone knew what Pravda was all about, the "journalists" in the USSR weren't "confused" as Mr. Gerth put it for the "journalists" in the US. The US has a mendacious mainstream media that receives its marching orders straight from Langley (Operation Mockingbird), as once the Soviet "journalists" got them from the KGB and sundry other security Soviet era agencies.

  8. The biggest problem with the media is they aren't in the business of INVESTIGATING and REPORTING news. They are in the business of SELLING news. If they were responsible, they'd be banging the drum about climate change and how activists are making progress. But people won't pay for that. they want to be scared or read clickbait headlines (or just share clickbait headlines without reading the articles). We need a fundamental transformation of our economic system. I think the news should be publicly funded because it'll allow (though not guarantee) that reporters actually go find and report what matters.

    Additionally, too many just repeat whatever those in power tell them, because if they criticize the power, they are afraid of losing access and getting fired. And the NSA tracks politicians too so even those who dissent from the inside are afraid to talk to reporters even if they wanted to. Lest they end up like Snowden

  9. The MSM are little more than a tool of the corporate fascists who run the show. They use the easiest and most effective strategy ever invented: divide and conquer. Of course, decades of lies and dumbing down of the population has paved the way for the fall of democracy.

  10. Well we know democrats will vote for a wet tird, look at Biden and Fetterman. Biden could be dead and if they propped him up Dems would vote for him.

  11. Thank you for your integrity Sir. I’ve been listening to your reports for years. The truth will always stand. The rest is just noise. Mahalo and Aloha for all you do to reveal truth.

  12. I remember stepan colbert running with the dossier story and he also went to Russia and made fun of working class Russians to their face condemning them. What a tool he has become

  13. Okay…okay…I really don't understand why you guy's are making so many claims and YET you omit important Info to a lot of your stories from the Beginning to the End.

    You guy's claim that the Media was just continuing to provide the bias rhetoric against trump in-order to give their viewer's exactly what they wanted…but the Irony in all of THIS is that you don't EVEN realize that you guys are doing EXACTLY what you're accusing other's of doing?

    Honestly I have NO IDEA why I'm even following this Channel if they can't EVEN make the D4MN effort to mention every single detail, EVERYTHING in their reporting.

  14. Looking forward to this even before it starts. The whole Russiagate fiasco was such an ongoing clown show that I couldn't follow it as it was happening. Thanks to you both!

  15. Dam shame that not one person has gotten criminal charges out of this hoax. In the end it’s Hillary Clinton’s ego that not President Trump but the whole nation as a whole suffered this hoax over Hillary Clinton losing an election that she believed was suppose to be hers. As if it was won without casting a ballot.

  16. When approached by the German press on the forced mobilisation of Ukrainian men, Mikhail Podolyak, the chief advisor to Zelensky said, "Let’s be blunt here. No need to speculate. What does the restriction of rights mean? Do people in Ukraine not have obligations also? Or are we just talking about rights?”

    In simple words, they will not allow the Ukrainian men to leave the country and will force them to go to the frontline. The western governments and media are supporting this draconian regime. What a shame!!!

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