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Modeling in a pageant will require you to always keep a few important things in mind. Model in a pageant with help from an experienced beauty pageant professional in this free video clip.
Expert: Leslie Birkland
Bio: Leslie Birkland has worked to establish herself as a true self-made woman.
Filmmaker: Dustin Kuepper
Series Description: Beauty pageants can be incredibly fun and enjoyable if you approach them in the right way and keep a few key tips and tricks in mind. Get great pageant tips with help from an experienced beauty pageant professional in this free video series…(read more at source)
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LEARN ABOUT: Beauty Pageants
This is helping me for my pageant this is REALLY helpful for me and if I win I get to make my FIRST video!!!!!!
pageant dresses: you tube channel @ ItIsYourTimeToShine
Why did the 1st model leave? She didn't smile.and it looked like you called her out, that why she left?