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Have an amazing day ahead, Nikita 🙂
#missdiva2021..(read more at source)
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My height is 5 so am I eligible for miss India????
Hello nikita!!
Just wanted to ask that usually in which month do tgpc starts. If i participated in tgpc in 2024 and i win then i will be crowned in 2024 or 2025. I dont think that you will answer this stupid question but this is something that will help me. It will be great if u reply and i will get a chance to get a reply from you. Please🙏
Thank you so much ma'am for sharing this useful information with us😊😇
Hi di,I am going to give my first audition of miss india
So, I have a question regarding my appearance… can I wear any type of ring in my hand?🤔 I am having confusion about this…😅
By the way I follow your advices for my first pageant audition…🥰🥰
Love your videos…❤
Make vidoe on evening gown
It is so great to see you , always improving us. Thank you for your amazing mentoring ❤❤
Mam.. plz do reply.. How much money do we get if we win Indias miss tgpc? Please reply mam
Your videos are so helpful for me to set a vision to the beauty pageants.Wishing you all the very best to your new start…👍🥰🥰😍
Hi Nikitha Tanwani..are you a fan of BTS
Hi Nikitha…can you post a vdo based on how to improve our social media skills like Instagram..Facebook which is also needful for a pageant
Mam could you plz do video on how to participate in Miss Andhra Pradesh and it's process. When and where are the peagent audition will be done, etc,etc,… What type of clothes should we wear? ……. Plz 😊
Is this pageant traning conquer is free of cost
U know few tips then y u don't you give another attempt
Pia wurtzbach is a good example for try and try and win
Why u didn't try again to miss india
What is your parents profession?
Are you a ramp walk model or any ?
How much you earn by model?
Hi, mam want to Know the skincare and products to use
Funny coincidence; yesterday I got confirmed as a finalist at my first pageant and you posted this video… The Universe has its ways of giving signs 💕 looking forward to where it leads me ❤️
Loving your videos Nikita 😻
Your aura is really positive …thanku for your guidance, i have been following you since a quite long time and it's really helpful. I just wanted to ask you one ques that where do you think your preparation lacked behind when you were in tha miss India in 2019 which resisted you from bringing back the crown …. please don't take the ques. otherwise wise , i really adore you ..just wanted to ask this as this will really help the other aspirants.
The vitamin c serum which you recommended is not available to my pincode,,can you please suggest me another serum that I can you instead of this one??