Humanist Community Forum (2012-02-05): The Evolutionary Pageant – What Miss USA Can Teach Us About Evolution (Josh Rosenau)

Humanist Community Forum (2012-02-05): The Evolutionary Pageant – What Miss USA Can Teach Us About Evolution (Josh Rosenau)

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Josh Rosenau, a Public Information Project Director at the National Center for Science Education (NCSE) since 2007 will discuss the answers Miss USA contestants gave when asked for their views on evolution education. Josh is a Doctoral candidate, University of Kansas (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology), and works with grassroots groups from Florida to Texas, testifying before school boards, meeting with legislators, and speaking with journalists across the country. See Note: This will be our offering related to Darwin Day this year…(read more)

ON SALE: Pageant Resale

PRACTICE: Pageant Questions

VIEW MORE: Miss USA Videos

LEARN ABOUT OTHER: Beauty Pageants

See also  Miss New York USA - IMVU

About the author: Pageant Coach

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