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I didn’t win… again. miss maryland 2021 pageant experience recap + vlog | a work in progress podcast ep. 4
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After prepping for over a year and a half, Miss Maryland 2021 has come and gone… and shocker… I didn’t win… again. It feels unreal to have made it into the top 5. I knew it would be a big jump to win from being a non-finalist in 2019, but the results show that I was clearly capable of it and that I have improved so much. If I believed just a little bit harder … I may have been able to bring home the crown but instead I pre-maturely gave myself grace and ended up being happy to be there! I have no regrets. Enjoy my reflection as I share the lessons I’ve learned and the advice I have for others.
#BrelynnHunt #AWorkinProgress #missmaryland
♡ T I M E S T A M P S ♡
0:00 – welcome to a work in progress, the podcast
4:04 – the beginning stages of my pageantry 8:00 – the reason why I do pageants
13:30 – joining the Miss America organization
17:40 – my experience in the Miss Maryland organization in 2019
33:27 – my next title: miss washington county
38:55 – the mcat ruined everything
42:37 – prepping for Miss Maryland competition
54:00 – competing during the pandemic
56:40 – how I feel post pageant
1:05:00 – losing after a win
1:08:25 – will I do another pageant?
1:10:00 – kingdom keys
1:14:54 – Miss Maryland pageant vlog
Thank you so much for listening to today’s episode! If you enjoyed it, please subscribe! You can do so on Spotify, Apple Podcast, or wherever you listen to your podcasts! If you’re not already watching the pod, don’t forget there are accompanying video podcasts on my YouTube channel Beauty and Brains, so join me over there and subscribe to that channel as well! You can follow me on instagram and TikTok @BrelynnHunt or visit my website: brelynnhunt.com for weekly podcast updates or to contact me to share your story.
Until next time, be sure to live each day to the fullest because you only live once, and give yourself some grace! We all are just a work in progress.
Your self-image might be limiting your potential. | Pastor Steven Furtick –
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♡ F O L L O W M Y S O C I A L S ♡
# NewsletterFamily
♡ F A Q ♡
-CAMERA: Canon-EOS M50:
-This video was edited in iMovie
-I received my Masters in Physiology from NC State University in 2020.
-I graduated from Spelman College with a B.S. in Biology on the Pre-Medicine track.
Who really reads my description box?
If so, comment: hot mess queen
Remember to live everyday to the fullest because you only live once.
Thank you so much for watching!
-Brelynn ♡
For business and sponsorship opportunities please contact
my BUSINESS email – BrelynnHunt@yahoo.com..(read more at source)
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you didn’t link the dress from shein😭
mao extended the age to 26!
Also, what were the name of those dresses on shein?
What natural hair products do you wear to maintain your curls?
I miss your vlogs. This was 😊 great!
I love this but I DO miss those vlogs and car ride talks
hot mess queen
Have you considered doing Miss USA? I know that you chose Miss America but I think the eligibility for Miss USA is up to 28 years old.
Can you do a how to video for girls looking to get started in the pageant world. I watched your videos for a while now and have really enjoyed your pageant series.
Hey Brelynn, I love you you’re so inspirational keep pushing.
I did Miss America but I didn’t have a real talent unfortunately
Believe in yourself all the way through…manifest your dreams! Brelynn, thank you for sharing your motivational journey and these powerful, self-actualization kingdom keys. Well Done Queen!💖👑👏💯🙏
I loved this video/ podcast so much. Also it feels like such a full circle moment to see you competing with natural hair styles because I remember all the way to blonde Brelynn saying how she wanted to wear her natural hair more. Look at you now sis! ❤️
Podcasts are definitely your thing! I’m sad you didn’t enjoy your time in NC, that’s where I’m from but it’s definitely understandable. I’m from Charlotte and went to school in Greensboro & Winston Salem so those cities have very different experiences from where you were! Keep doing your thing girl! 💗
podcast and a vlog??? love this! 💓💓
Brelynn you looked amazing from the natural hair to the dresses and gowns you chose to wear. Amazing!!!
Thanks for updating us on your Miss Maryland experience. I competed in Miss America prelims for the first time my last year of eligibility and then Miss Black USA. I completely identify with your feelings about finals night I feel similar about Miss Black USA; I was a finalist, I had everything that I needed, and it was mine to take but I just didn't take enough time to center and refocus myself and really believe it so I could feel like even if I didn't win I left it all on the stage. But for all the critiques that I have of pageants now, those experiences were life changing and I do still find myself applying the skills and lessons that I gained. You always go after your goals, you did a great job and you should be proud.
Also, really love that you wore your natural hair and stayed true to your pink, you looked absolutely gorgeous in every event.
I am so proud of you Brelynn. Loved the podcast and now the bonus video. Question: Don't chew my head off if you've answered already. I know answering the same questions get annoying but, would you consider Miss USA? I know the age requirement is under 28.
I loved EVERY minute of this video. I’m so excited about this podcast.
Congratulations 🎊
The video podcast give me so much life🥰
Thank you so much for sharing this part of your journey with us! I loved seeing you during the interview, I hope that if you go next time, you will achieve your dream 🤎
great vlog/podcast!! thanks so much for sharing! 🙂
You were stunning like yessss
You represented so beautifully and eloquently just wow
From not placing to placing top 10, then top 5, then 3rd runner up that shows strength and persistence. I was holding my breath on each announcement. You looked amazing from the outfits to the hair and makeup chef's kiss. It's the confidence for me! I am proud! #beautyandbrains
how did you practice not saying "ummm" a lot when speaking?
Love the long episode
Hey girl
Just finished adulting, got my chips and queso ready to listen to this podcast
I’m just happy to be here 😂
This is a 2 for 1 special – podcast and vlog!!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 bless you Barbie!!!
Such a true inspiration ♥️♥️♥️♥️
I am loving these visual podcasts.
I love your podcast intro music ✨
Girl you look amazing! You are glowing! 💖
You are such an inspiration ✨💖✨
I’m early early heyy 💕💕