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After Chad Wild Clay made “CHAD Goes BAD to Get Revenge for Blind Vy Qwaint – First Person Battle Royale Hackers vs Spy Ninjas”, Vy Qwaint created “CAN We FIX Vy Qwaint’s EYES?”, Daniel Gizmo uploaded “Vy Qwaint MESSED UP!”, and Melvin PZ9 filmed “Can I Train My Best Friend into the World’s Strongest Man in a VS Fruit Smashing Challenge?”, Daniel and Regina are messing around when Vy walks into the safehouse sad and upset. Daniel and Regina try to get to the bottom of what’s wrong, but Vy is hiding her face under a chicken mask! When they finally get her to take it off Vy reveals that she got super embarrassing glasses from Dr.Schlieven! Vy is bummed out about it, but Daniel and Regina have to cheer her up because they need her help in order to stop Peters before September 4th! They try to come up with different ways to get her to wear the glasses and be comfortable with how she looks. After a few ideas, they finally sing a song and even attract a fan that gets Vy to realize that she doesn’t have to be embarrassed by her glasses and she actually looks really cool with them! She heads off to show Chad her new glasses, but ends up running into Peters instead and gets kidnapped! Daniel and Regina look around where they heard Vy scream only to find her camera on the ground. She’s gone! Thank you for watching my funny entertainment comedy adventure vlog videos in 2021!
Watch my friend’s awesome videos:
Daniel Gizmo. -Vy Qwaint MESSED UP!
Melvin PZ9 – Can I Train My Best Friend into the World’s Strongest Man in a VS Fruit Smashing Challenge?
Vy Qwaint – CAN We FIX Vy Qwaint’s EYES?
Chad Wild Clay – CHAD Goes BAD to Get Revenge for Blind Vy Qwaint – First Person Battle Royale Hackers vs Spy Ninjas
▶ SPY NINJAS & CWC Merchandise –
▶ Official Spy Ninjas Website –
Watch Spy Ninjas here:
▶ Chad –
▶ Vy –
▶ Daniel –
▶ Regina –
▶ Melvin PZ9 –
Spy Ninjas’ Instagram:
▶ Chad –
▶ Vy –
▶ Daniel –
▶ Regina –
▶ Melvin PZ9 –
Most royalty free background music is from Epidemic Sounds. You can use their music in your videos by clicking here ..(read more at source)
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I feel so embarassed about my new glasses…
The chicken outfit looks very funny
You look cool with the glasses on you look like a futuristic soldier you’re so cool vy
I love your glasses
am 20 years old
Vy:wye is Daniel waring them the
I like her glasses😎
No you look Awsome vy
U look like a STAR!!!
I have glasses!
vy we love you guys all and we just want to say pls
put it on just put it on 😯
its ok vy your perfect just the way you are its ok just be strong vy and I'm a fan of you and I want to see you
Regina was so close To doing My family's Signature nock Which is…
aaaaawdontbesadvy you looknic
It's okay Vy some people were it to you are not alone Vy don't be sad we always love you I am Subscribed too don't be so sad when you are sad we will be here ❤
Glasses ants
What is going on vy your Making me crying
What is that blue thing on your erl danie
Wait how is the supposed to make videos when she's blind That's I don't make sense
You should
And I said okay
Vy wore the same glasses as you my friend said you always have to talk about it
Vy ur beautiful stop❤️
Nobody gonna talk about daniel hugging regina
It was so funny how vy throw the glasses away😭😭
You not believe in you are beautiful we da Ninja Van we still love you vy
Soooooooooooo coool
Ur glasses look awesome
hey vy dont be sad you still look like pro and you are my fab spy ninja and your not gonna be sad your allways stalthy and pro byutiful and cuteeeeeee
No vy your beautiful
Can i get a shout out for my birthday sep 9 🥺
v is kaptured and im so worred about her
Hi I'm a big fan and yes I am a YouTuber