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France is in turmoil after a dozen violent, nationwide protests against President Emmanuel Macron’s raising of the country’s retirement age from 62 to 64 years of age, opening the possibility that voters will turn to far-right populist Marine Le Pen.
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We English should take a good look at ourselves, we should be doing exactly the same ,demonstrating about these idiots destroying our country.keep demonstrating over there abd no surrender
2'38" : "Look at the people who die on the job !"
You can see how stupid people are in my country… always exaggerating everything to prove they are right to protest !! :
I red in my local newspaper that in my area the garbage collectors were not in strike… During weeks the extreme left has block the garbage company and lock the trucks inside the depot… that's why we had trashs everywhere in the streets… Nice ! : |
Why the world must follow the French? They are just fed up of taking sh.t! Vive la République Française
If you dont hear the people you are doomed
Hahahaha c’est pour la sœur AUSSI CONTRE FACHISM
Macron must fall
Glory to the people of France 🇫🇷
The way he describes macron rise to power sounds similar to how Rishi got into number 10 elected by a minority of rich people and they are both WEF puppets but unlike the French I’m ashamed to say we didn’t do what the French have done and I honestly wish we would at this point the UK has gotten worse with each passing day the pension age here is around 67-70 inflation is fucking mental and buying a house is practically impossible and I work a physical job doing tree work I’m in my 20s and I dread to think how fucked I’m gonna be when I reach that age if I haven’t dropped dead first anyway to all the French people keep going and stay united and strong 💪🏻
Either raise your population or cut your spending.
This video makes me even more ashamed to be a American then I was before. My people are so stupid they work till 80, and get paid almost nothing. They think living under corporate ran shareholders who make all the rules is freedom.
The interview with the economist truly shows their hand.
2:35–2:37 lol
I love the one video of the woman going It's just unacceptable that these people are protesting they're ruining my vacation 😂 poor Karen
Lolol. . . 62 to 64. . . American politicians wanna raise or sht to 75. . . Most of us will die working and never get our social security. What a pyramid scheme. . .
Is vice going bankrupt ?
SOLIDARITY FRANCE I wish I was there to offer assistance to the working class. if France revolutionizes and becomes communist… I’m moving there bring back the Paris commune
Someone's gotta' get that garbage truck driver an agent. He could be a star!
ok but why destroy public property that has no relevance with the pension reform, what did the buildings and monuments do to them.
Macron va donner 413 milliards a l'armée militaire ???? Et les travailler parce manque 13 milliards ????
I'm from the UK and my estimated retirement age is 68
Vice f#cked up agian
Maybe government should get out of the business of taking care of people. Teach people to invest in themselves and get out of their way. Some people will fail. It happens.
This video is trash, not made by real journalist, lots of consufing false data, now have to stop watching for ever vice news
Delete The Elite 🏴✊️
Please all strike until you are 64!!!
Can someone tell me why the interviewer talks in English the people in French?
his name is president macron 💀💀💀 most french name
6:36 says the fuckers responsible for the debts and deficits. This is typical of the elite and politicians making the poorest in society pay the bill for their fuckups.
If you think you're being worked to death in France, come to America and watch that 6-10 weeks of vacation a year completely disappear. Maybe someday you'll get to retire or work until you die. Work greater than 40 hours a week and have really expensive healthcare, cost of living, watch inflation eat away at your savings and investments and watch the rich get richer at your expense. We call it the American dream. Nightmares are dreams too.
Vice has always been circling the bowl
What if I told you, if everyone would be able to go in retirement at the age of 50, even if life expectancy was 100yo? 80% of the world's "profit" is at 20% of the population.
They don' talk about the 1.83 French birth rate per woman ? The highest in all western countries ? Strange 😄
Americans in the comment section are too lost in the sauce of neo-liberal ideology to truly grasp what is happening in France and the rest of Europe.
The self-centered "it's just 2 years, get over yourselves" reeks with privilege, and displays a superficial understanding of the reform or the reasons that it was proposed in the first place.
How VICE could fumble, with superficial analysis and regrettable framing, reporting on such a momentous shift in consciousness in Europe is a bad sign of how shallow the organization has become.
😈too HELL with the EU-LOBBY-MAFIA😈
Still not seen how many are expected to turn 62.
I'm sure there goes more money in than out.
Leaked documents show those "troops" aren't french.
They come from USA.
These bums take almost everything from their infinite pensions then go about whining that the issue is about taxing the rich. The rich does NOT take pension from these funds. They're already ultra rich; they don't need these pensions. It's the WORKERS who dip their hands into the pension jar, so they are the one who is actually responsible to filling it in. For crying out loud. You want to work for 35 years, then retire for 25 years! What a nonsense that a lot of workers die before even reaching the age of retirement. If that was the case, the average life expectancy would have been in par with somewhere in AIDS ridden Africa. Please. Stop lying to yourself. It's only 2 god damned years. Work for your retirements. Come to America and I show you how bad it is for the average person who has to work, if not full time, but part time till their late 70's. There is no pension here. You guys are working against the tide which will lead for the pension system to be scrapped, then you really end up like in America.
Please journalists, do your job… 62 yo is the minimum age of retirement. But in France we have to work for 43 years to get the full pension, otherwise, you will get a portion of it. So the first graph is completely false! In fact, if you had an unemployed period, were student until 25 yo / 27 yo, you can but you wouldn’t retire.
This reform is also unfair for early workers who’s started before they are 21 yo (they worked 43 years, but cannot retire)!
Aside of it, the government can’t stop removing taxes for big companies and for rich people (they even did it during the protest with the CVAE) and now they say the budget is in trouble…
We are protesting also because the parlement couldn’t vote for this law, the government pass it anyway by forcing it and reinterpreting our constitution! For those interested, they use a corrected finance law project, which is supposed to be used only for the budget of the next 3 months (the retirement has like a 40 years impact…) which allows them to use the famous 49.3 articles that bypass the parlement, we are fighting for this also! What’s next??
I wish the journalists talk about all of this, and how the French democracy is attacked by this way of passing laws.
To be honest I think Macron knows a bit more then most of the protesters, they will have to take the retirement age higher or they wont be able to pay for everyone's retirement. its simple people are getting older its becoming more old people and the price will rice and rice and rice.
Macron has already opened the possibility of voters turning to far-right candidates. He does that quite actively through Darmanin calling far-right candidate Marine Le Pen too moderate. He knows perfectly well the humanising effect this has on her candidacy and does nothing about at.
Today French Polynesia is asking for independence, they are so fed up with Macron's other puppet🇬🇮🇨🇵
"It's comparable to Trump in the United States"
Oh boy, does he know how many Americans love that guy?
I'm an 🇺🇸 & I adore the French because they're authetic bad asses.
They kicked a Royal off the thrown back in the day & rescued their nation.
They understand one inevitable consequence:
There is victory in numbers.
When their leaders screw the people, they've got to go…..
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
They riot because they are so proud to be french, sexy riots
macron you should help people not to estroy their ifes