Intercourse के कितने दिन बाद प्रेग्नेंट होते हैं ? | How you get pregnant faster? | Dr Jay Mehta

Intercourse  के कितने दिन बाद प्रेग्नेंट होते हैं ? | How you get pregnant faster? | Dr Jay Mehta

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आज इस व्हिडिओ में डॉ.जय मेहता, Intercourse के कितने दिन बाद प्रेग्नेंट होते हैं ? (How you get pregnant faster?) इस विषय पे विस्तार में जानकारी देने वाले है|

किसी भी स्त्री के शरीर में vagina और vagina के ऊपर रहता है uterus . Uterus के mouth को cervix कहा जाता है। Uterus के अंदर के endometrial cavity में गर्भ रोपण होता है। uterus के हर एक तरफ fallopian tube होता है और उसके साथ वहा ovaries भी होते है।
जब intercourse होता है तब penis, vagina के अंदर seminal fluid release करता है। Intercourse के बाद sperms जो cervix के पास होते है वह , uterus के अंदर चले जाते है तब वह दोनों fallopian tubes अंदर चले जाते है।

Ovulation ke kitne din baad pregnancy hoti hai
अगर intercourse fertile window या ovulation days में होता है। Ovulation 13th या 15th दिन के आस पास होता है जिसमे egg release होता है और fallopian tube के अंदर जाता है। Fallopian tube के अंदर cellia होता है जो ब्रश जैसे होते है जो egg को uterus की तरफ धकेल देते है।
अगर ovulation day पे intercourse करे तो जो egg fallopian tube में होता है उसके आजु बाजू में बोहोत सारे sperm रहते है। इन millions ऑफ़ sperm मेसे एक egg के साथ fuse होक egg को fertilize कर देता है। यह सब पहले दिन पे होता है। दूसरे दिन पे egg fertilize होने के बाद divide होने लगता है। और blastocyst स्टेज में आने तक यह embryo fallopian tube में ही रहता है। Blastocyst stage यनेके day 5th को भ्रूण uterus में चला जाता है।
६वे-७वे दिन में implantation होता है। एकबार implantation होने के बाद embryo hCG नामक hormone secret करने लगता है।
और सम्बन्ध रखने के ९वे-१०वे दिन पे इसका वैल्यू काफी रहता जिससे pregnancy test किट पर दो pink lines दिखाई देते है।

यह normal intercouse में नहीं होता है। इसके लिए महत्वपूर्ण है की intercourse ovulation day / fertile window में होना चाहिए। इसके साथ ही साथ husband और wife के सारे parameters normal होने चाहिए तभी जाके प्रेगनेंसी रुकने की सम्भावना ज्यादा होती है।

See also  Present Tense in hindi | Present Simple , Present Continuous , Present Perfect , Perfect Continuous

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About Dr Jay Mehta & Shree IVF Clinic

Dr Jay Mehta is the Scientific Director of Shree IVF Clinic, a Luxury Facility for Advanced Assisted Reproduction and Advanced Pelvic Surgery in Mumbai. He is a well known Fertility Specialist and is one of the few specialists in the country who is also an extremely sound Embryologist and andrologist. From the year 2018, Dr Jay Mehta converted the clinic into a Program that doesn’t allow the use of Donor Sperm. Currently, the clinic practices the DONOR Program in less than 1% of its patients. This is one of the factors which is largely responsible for the clinic being extremely popular for Fertility Treatments amongst the patients. The clinic is one of the busiest IVF Clinics in the city of Mumbai and is consistently rated by patients and fellow gynaecologists to be one of the Top Fertility Clinics in the city.

The clinic and the medical team shall be happy to answer your queries, should you require personal correspondence, please submit your medical papers on: Kindly also note that the medical guidance which will be provided will be subject to the medical consulting fees for that point in time.

Shree IVF Clinic
5th Floor, Jayant Arcade, M G Road, Ghatkopar East, Mumbai- 400077
9920914115/ 7738155558/ 8369540816

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  1. hlo sir…..Having Pcod …
    Last period 11th May but from 28th may I m having headache with tiredness and little nausea but only for 4-5 hr in morning…and today On 1 June Having fever with bitter mouth and I smell as Something is burning … any possibilty of pregnancy

  2. Sir Mera Shadi hokar 1.6 year hua hai. Baccha Nahi hua hai. Mein 3 month mein 1 month leave jatha hu. Jab hamara bich din mein 2 se 3 Bhar sex hotha hai. Kya reason Hoga baccha na hone Kellie????

  3. Hello sir thank you for your information. Just wanted to check on the pregnancy test in the reports the days is counting as 7 weeks 3 days. So my question is whether intercourse is happened how many days before? Or what is the exact calculation on how many days after intercourse pregnancy can be confirmed in reports

  4. sir plz tell if we had intercourse on an infertile day without ejaculation and with protection then also can i get pregnant?

  5. Fallopian tube fat jaaye and operation hone ke bad pregnancy ho sakti

  6. Doctor meri madat kariye please.. i’m 6 weeks pregnant.. do do ghanton mae bhottttt bhook ho rahi hai. Agar nai khayi tou gastric se ulthi horahi hai.. bhot pareshaan hu itni baar nahi khasakrahi hu.. is it normal in first trimester?

  7. Doctor please reply… please….sir we did Beta HCG test after 3-4 months of unprotected sex and the result is 0.16 …sir is this normal? Is preganancy their?….. please reply

  8. Sir ovulation 10th day pr b ho skta hai……Mera 16th day pr hi spotting h to ky ye implantation bleeding ho skti h…????

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  10. Sir, if a girl had done a sex for a first time and her seal is also not open them it is a chance for being an pregnant because she feels vomiting after 4 days of intercourse and somewhere the male pre-ejaculte gone only outside the vagina not inside. So it is possible to get pregnant?

  11. Hello sir my periods date was 1st march, last time i had intercourse in feb 1st week around. My april periods are not started yet is there any chance of pregnancy?

  12. Meri sadi ko ek saal hua Sara test Kara chuki sb normal h ..hsg hormone etc ….Dr ne bole h ki period k ek din bad ana to dawa dungi …kya ye sahi treatment h ??? Or agr mera sb normal h or husbnd ka v sb normal h to fr kyu hm av tk pregnant ni hue???

  13. Hi sir mera period 16 feb ko tha or mera date lgbhag 35-40 days ka hota h maine 20 march ko intercourse kiya h or trnt hi urine pas kiyA h but mera period 30 march tk nhi aya h kya mai pregnant ho skti hu maine urine pregnancy test bhi kya h vo negetive h plzzz jvab dijiyega

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  17. Sir,namaste mujhe ek 9 mahina ke bacha ho ke nahi raha pet se dead ho gaya tha sir maine do 2 baar second baby kiliye try karrahihun but pregnancy nhi ho raha hai sir me kya karu😢

  18. There are so many biology teachers who skip this chapter, you explained it more beautifully than a professional biology teacher. ❤

  19. I had sex before 2 days of ovulation.. any there any chances of me getting pregnant???? I'm planning for baby

  20. Sir agar.. pregnant hona chahe or spam leg up position hone bad bhi thoda bahar aata hai to kya usse normal mana jata hai..or kya spam bahar aane se pregnant hote hain ya nhi

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