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Israel: What’s Next?

Israel: What’s Next?

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Israel is currently fighting its greatest war since the Holocaust, with more Israelis being murdered than at any other time. What can we expect to be next for Israel in light of the Word of God?

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0:00 – Introduction
15:45 – 1. What Do We Know For Sure?
42:42 – 2. What Is The Origin Of The Land Of Israel?
51:14 – 3. What is the origin of the Jewish People?
51:52 – 4. What Is The Issue Between The Jews And The Palestinians?
1:02:41 – 5. Why Is The Existence Of Israel & The Jew Such A Big Deal?
1:13:15 – 6. Where Is God In All These Things?
1:19:23 – 8. What’s Next For Israel?
1:21:54 – 9. What’s Next For You?..(read more at source)

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  1. 5:47 I just witness how the Holy Spirit can use a truly submissive believer share a powerful message in line with the truth of bible prophecy

    May God continue to bless you and protect you Pastor Hibbs and your family as you walk in faith in this ministry which God has called you. This I pray in Jesus Christ's name, the name above all names. Lord of lords n King of kings may You come soon. Amen

  2. This man is anointed by God!! Praise God for raising him up for such a time as this!! Thank you Pastor Jack for being obedient to our Father!!

  3. Right at the beginning I want to thank you for preaching that the crusades, though conducted by men, were started to push back the invaders wanting to conquere Christianity etc. Their are always evil men that take advantage and distort truth but we evangelicals have failed to teach church history because it falls under the time of catholicism. We have failed to have our children understand history thus they will repeat it. My heart grieves for this generation, oh that we could save them.

  4. Watching this podcast live on TV right now, just wanted to say Pastor James Kadish also translates the Quran from Hebrew for those who want more content on the Quran and what Islam really believes 🙏

  5. That’s a lie about the Christians hiding from Muslims. They are arab christians and live peacefully with the muslims. Doesn’t anyone question this joke of a pastor?

  6. What is a true Jew? One who is circumcised in his heart.

    I started out in a small, non-denominational congregation, when I was in my early 20s. We had an amazing Elder who was a Bible teacher and one of his classes is where I originally was taught who was a true Jew. In this past few days, I started thinking about that teacher and I was wondering where that was in the Bible, so I asked the Precious Holy Spirit, our gift from God, our Helper and here, four days later I decide to watch this video and Jack is talking about this very subject! This type of thing has been happening to me more and more, lately, in these past months. I've felt a change, a quickening within me, an anticipation and with it, trepidation. I was fretting because I'm facing I may be called to die for God. In watching several of Jack's videos in just the past two days, the videos about who can never be redeemed, 1, 2 and 3, I've found comfort and gave up my trepidation to Jesus and there has been a comfort I didn't have before.

    I had been searching for the scriptures where being circumcised in one's heart is what a true Jew is and tonight, I came across it when I wasn't searching for it anymore. (I'm so poor when looking things up in my Concordance!)

    Now, I'm looking for things to take off even faster and am constantly in prayer. What a Wonder our God truly is.


    I was born and raised in New Jersey and there are Jewish people all over the place, in New Jersey. I knew some people hated Jews, but could never understand why, when the few Jews I knew were some of the most welcoming and kindest people I had ever met. When I was in high school, I went with several others to a Jewish boy's house and we kids all sat around a big, round table in his kitchen, with his mother and we helped her to cut the rinds off of watermelons she had saved, to make watermelon pickles. My own mom loved watermelon pickles. I didn't and didn't want to offend the boy's mother and hoped we wouldn't be offered any pickles to sample. We were! Everyone liked them, except me, but I didn't let on because I didn't want to hurt Marshall's mom's feelings. (I was a very picky eater back then…) She was a sweetheart.

    When we settled in Louisiana, after my husband got out of the Army, we were very young and far away from our home state, or any family and knew no one, we had problems and found a marriage counselor. He was Jewish and so kind and loving to us. He helped us a lot to grow up more. He's gone, now and has been for many years, but I still carry him in my heart and mind.

    The hatred of Jews has caused me pain for most of my life as I couldn't understand it. As I've grown older, it has bothered me more, but I didn't grow up in a prejudiced family. I was taught, by my Christian mother, that people are people and I learned to feel for others. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto me." My mother would ask me how I would feel if someone hated me for no good reason at all and it made me think of others as real people who aren't too much different from me.

    I don't know why I wrote all of this, but I wanted to share with others who might care, so I have.

    Jack, you're an amazing teacher! I'm so glad I clicked on your video two days ago. Thank you so much for everything I've watched from you. Our Precious Holy Spirit led me to you. What a wonderful gift He let me find.

  7. Any one needs truth for God's end time people(church)
    Please please check:


    Study of the book of Daniel and Revelation 🙏 These 2 prophetic books are God's message for His end time people before His returns 💯🙏 verse by verse scripture by scripture and chapter by chapter, contains 112 lessons. It's easy and simple to understand even a child can understand it too 💯 so many Christians even preachers and teachers misinterpret these 2 prophetic books to the T💯 it's the devil's 😈 tactic to keep God's message for His end time people(church) you owed it to yourself. God said know the truth and will make you free 💯🙏 God also said My people are perished cause of lack of knowledge 💯 I guarantee you won't be disappointed 🙏🙏 God bless 🙏

  8. Satan has infected the church with a political spirit. This spirit had swept me. It is pure flesh. Thanks pastor for this message.

  9. Pastor Jack thank you for all your teaching I really enjoy the truth of the word that you Teach there’s not many to listen to these days they gone to Woke which is terrible

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