Jemele Hill & Bishop Talbert Swan Shamelessly Twist Tyre Nichols Tragedy

Jemele Hill & Bishop Talbert Swan Shamelessly Twist Tyre Nichols Tragedy

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America is reacting to the tragedy in Memphis surrounding Tyre Nichols. Memphis police released bodycam footage of the altercation with Tyre Nichols this week…and most people are appalled at the actions of five Memphis police officers.

However…Jemele Hill and Bishop Talbert Swan are taking advantage of the situation. Jemele Hill and Bishop Talbert Swan are attempting to spin the tragedy of Tyre Nichols…into a case of “supremacy”. We reveal and react to the propaganda of Jemele Hill and Bishop Talbert Swan…and dispute their false claims of “supremacy”…(read more at source)

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  1. I am Ivy League and Black and I work & live in Hollywood, California. I have worked in Entertainment for decades. So, I will tell you exactly what I just told Megan Kelly in the comments. (SOME WHITE WOMEN ARE USED BY THEIR RACIST WHITE MEN AS GATE KEEPERS. That's why this system has lasted for Centuries.)My 86 year old Grandfather, was born in the deep South, Louisiana. He told me how this system works, and He explained life on a Plantation. I know brutal Black Cops, they terrorize their own Communities. Why do they do this? TO PLEASE THEIR WHITE SUPRAMICISTS BOSSES. HOW ELSE ARE THEY GOING TO GET PROMOTED! THE SAME THING HAPPENS ON JOBS, WITHOUT THE VIOLENCE. BACK TO MY GRANDFATHER,, HE SAID IN THE1800'S SOME SLAVE HUNTERS WERE BLACK MEN. THE SLAVE HUNTERS BECAME THE POLICE. SO, WHEN THE SLAVE WAS RETURNED TO THE PLANTATION THE MASTER ORDERED A SLAVE TO DO THE WHIPPINGS, CUT OFF FEET ETC. OR TO KILL THE SLAVE USUALLY BY HANGING.. THE SLAVES ON THE ENTIRE PLANTATION WERE CALLED TO WITNESS THE GRUESOME PUNISHMENT! THE MASTER DIDN'T DO ANY THING MY GRANDFATHER TOLD ME. WHITE WOMEN OWNED AS MANY SLAVES AS THEIR RACIST MEN, THEY WERE IN CHARGE OF THE BREEDING. THEY GOT10 YEAR OLD SLAVE GIRLS, PUT A BAG OVER THEIR HEAD, THESE WHITE WOMEN HAD TO MAKE SURE THE CHILD WAS PREGNANT, MOSTLY BY HER OWN FATHER OR BROTHER. ALSO, WHO BEAT UP DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, WHY THE POLICE. OF COURSE THEY ENFORCED THE JIM CROW LAWS. White People are not happy that their lily White Media is fully showing Videos of what really happens in this racist system.I knew when I saw Rodney King beaten, with in a inch of His life that this PLACE CARES NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT ME!

  2. I was surprised the black officers were charged and fired that fast because the Rodney King trial took how long? Even Mr. Floyd's trial took a while. Anyways I don't know how these phony folks think they are going to heaven 🙄😬

  3. There is No Way this many people who have So much Hate in their HEART, are EVER Happy..It isn't possible for Hate and Peace and Love to coexist in the same HEART ❤

  4. KC, Donald Trump was kicked off social media because he is Donald Trump. Real republics investigate crimes, banana republics investigate people. White people rock! They built the greatest nation in world history and the most wonderful western culture. Period. Mythical racism is deadly accurate.

  5. I can’t believe you don’t support Trump. That’s a shock. You seemed really cool, everything I’ve heard you say I have a greed with quite honestly I can’t believe this but to each his own I guess. Wow.

  6. What they really want is to get rid of the police (except in their neighborhood) or make the job so hard no one will do it. …but at the same time they want to take away your guns for protection. These leftist elites will never live in the hell hole they want for the rest of us. People like these two anti white bigots should be rejected and vilified at every turn.

  7. The officers should get the worst punishment. I also wish everyone would have this same reaction to black on black crime. Lebrun was right about saying we’re our own worst enemy.

  8. The dad came out saying "A WHITE cop was the first to taze him"!! Yes when he got up and started running away!! But dad wants him to be charged …..just like the FIVE under that street lamp

  9. You put 100 people in a room , and make 2 of them black. Guess which person one of the black person's has to worry about. You're right, the other black person. They ARE their own worse enemy.

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