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The youngest of three boys, Bronson, is very aggressive and has recently been expelled from preschool for his dominant and disruptive behavior.
#Supernanny #JoFrost
Supernanny is here to tackle tantrums, fights and naughty kids all over the world! Have you ever given your parents a hard time? How do you compare to these kids?
Supernanny will help families get their behavior back on track- but it won’t be easy!! 😭 Expect lots of extreme tantrums, fighting kids and broken rules!
🎥 These episodes were originally on TV from 2004 to 2012, so it might look like it was filmed on a potato!
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🌍 Check out the World’s Strictest Parents YouTube Channel for more tantrums, fights & naughty kids from around the world: ▶︎ ..(read more at source)
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These kids shouldn't be swear to them Mother and dad Good job Supernanny get the Family back to together again 👏👏👏👏
What episode is this??
Wow! Mom looks so much like Kirstie Alley in her confessional. ❤
Where is your Picasso
The beard 😂
I have ADHD I'm glad they care about trying to help them instead of ignoring it like mine.
Him placing his hand on Jo's mouth to feel how her lips move when she speaks made me bawl 😭😭
Her wardrobe is adorable. I wonder if those are her own designs.
There’s the way Bronson ran out the house
I the only person crushing on this Dad rn 😂
This three-year-old is terrible
The hitting is an expression of wanting moms attention. The child didn't get any until he hits, so he does it again and again. Mom is stressed, children feel that. I don't think more rules and consequences will make that better, it's the love and attention they need BEFORE the unpleasant behavior.
Lmao the music when Bronson is esacping via scooter is the same for the show Face Off😂😂
the way he said i love you jojo at the end it melted my heart
Im love this episode and family. The parents clearly had the right ideas Of what they were trying. And did not try and fight Jo at any point. They were very receptive.
For Jo to have to stop timeout during observation at 7.05. It has to be extreme reason. But thank goodness. During teaching The timeout resumed.
These are AMAZING parents!!! Im over here taking notes, fr❤
Why is her hair so low on her forehead 😭
Why do parents forget that locks exist
Seriously just lock the door.
Adhd isnt an excuse though
I cringe at the thought of these kids becoming teenagers😮
God help these parents!!
These behaviour should have been corrected when these kids were babies!!!!! Good lick!!
15:21 the beard is so cute 😭🩷
Why on Earth do parents NEVER think to put locks on the doors/windows??? And the cabinets with dangerous items? Why are they playing in the front? Wouldn't the back be safer??
However, I really like these parents, they're authentic, smart and really do care.
I love the mom and dad!
Love you 😍
I love how considerate Jo was about the kids’ issues. Like the ADHD and the speech development issues. She shows that she is educated on all kinds of child issues and cares deeply about making sure they are heard and taken care of properly.
I wonder if the beard was drawn in Sharpie!!! 🤣😂
All fun and games till the 3 year old says the N word
Did the parents get divorced?😯
Enid is illegal in your?
Dream Mom JoAnna Hit Wall broken Mom Yes no Mom smacking Mad Sad
Dad taught Bronson well. “Do not cross the orange ribbon otherwise you will get hurt”
2:16 – 5:02 – 5:45 – 6:25 – 28:25 – 28:32 – 35:28
When Bronson said "i love you jojo" my heart melted that was so sweet 😭😭
6:23 Run bronson run
28:35 You going timeout Bronson
I just love super nanny❤️🧑🏻🦳
You can be getting adhd one 8 ita from 0
Great parents,ready to work on problem areas and use Suggested techniques!
If he has ADHD get him medicine it helps
One of my favorites! ❤
I love that she kissed the mom on the cheek and didn’t with dad. Very respectful
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ilove you much
im glad the dad unserstanded the child with ADHD because he got punished for no reason and he is just the nicest ❤