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More than five months after experiencing a stroke, Pennsylvania Democrat John Fetterman struggled at times to explain his positions and often spoke haltingly throughout a highly anticipated debate Tuesday against Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz as they vie for a critical Senate seat.
In the opening minutes of the debate, Fetterman addressed what he called the “elephant in the room.”
“I had a stroke. He’s never let me forget that,” Fetterman said of Oz, who has persistently questioned his ability to serve in the Senate. “And I might miss some words during this debate, mush two words together, but it knocked me down and I’m going to keep coming back up.”
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Congratulations ABC. Doing your best to make Fetterman look understandable. Your bias is showing
Fetterman 😂😂😂😂😂 holy moly, do they give anyone lieutenant governor ??????? He had to of been just thrown in there.
notice how they use the excuse that he had a stroke to try to cover up the fact he's a bad debater. they can't even show the debate without selectively editing. media is so corrupt
Hey John what exactly is a liberty of statute? Ooooooooh you meant to say STATUE OF LIBERTY ? OK GOT IT..and Yes he actually did say that..
Hey John what exactly is a liberty of statute? Ooooooooh you meant to say STATUE OF LIBERTY ? OK GOT IT..and Yes he actually did say that..
If you actually watched the debate, you'd he embarrassed with the democrats for putting a very unfit person up there.
Nobody in their right mind should vote for Fetterman.
Don't be fooled Democrats… This is a numbers game, it's about power and control!! A vote for OZ hurts women's right to choose and ultimately will effect voting rights. If we endured trump for four years God knows Fetterman is a piece of cake.
Just more propaganda from a talk show !!!
Why is ABC covering Fatterman?
Watch the entire debate and ask why ABC is hiding the story.
Lies, as told by liars!
Fetterman should not be up there and you people make me sick pushing him up no matter what. The man can't even speak and your deceptive editing is nothing but lies!
Play the full clip of Fetterman on minimum wage. You won’t, no balls.
Senate is the deliberative body of Government.
I would not suggest a person in a wheelchair should be in a swimming meet.
I would not suggest fetterman debate energy policy.
Fetterman should throw in the towel. He's toast.
Aha, a stroke aye hmmmmm
Don’t vote for this quack ‘doctor’ with a Hollywood star, would’ve much rather seen McCormick vs Fetterman
Who was the moderator
Hello every no one. I am stand support fracking not I support fracking.
Most companies that are looking for workers are paying more then 15.00 let the markets decide.
Don’t be deceived by John Fetterman or you’ll be back to square one. America is already going downhill. Here’s another clown making promises that he will not be keeping. Fetterman couldn’t even answer a simple question.
…well, Channel 6 action news..I'm sitting in TN, having watched the whole debate last night, and am surprised(though mildly)that you were even biased, against Dr. Oz, in this brief spot here on YouTube. you completely bypassed Feddermans response on 'fracking' …where he blatantly lied about ever saying he was against fracking. shame on your station.
not 5 days. 5 months!
Uncle fester and Joe Biden have about the same brain capacity.
my left ear loved this
My mind is seeing through your design like Jesus Lucifer Christ
He reminds me of sling blade
Five months after stroke and nowhere near back to normal.
Gotta give them credit…spinning this like the dnc shills they are..
I'm an independent I cannot vote for anyone who clearly cannot due the job..it's that simple
If they were any more bias, they just wouldn't even acknowledge the debate happened
If you have nothing to hide you should be out conducting debates and taking interviews…you owe it to the American voters, but this is what happens when the Dems abandon the "keep them in the basement" strategy like they did with China Joe Biden…as much as the state-run media like ABC tries to cover for him, Fetterman was exposed last night. Not only for his lies and radical agenda, but for his cognitive issues.
Fetterman is unfit for office just like Biden
Lol . "5 months after stroke" make sure to get that excuse in there. Liberal media sucks. Fetterman sucks. Oz is going to eat his shorts. Which is what he usaully wears
John Fetterman looks like Igor from Frankenstein
Hello goodnight
ABC needs to go
Stop the crime! Stop the depression on our youth! More mental health facilities for those in need, reopen them! Vote Mastriano/Oz for a more prosperous Pennsylvania!
Feel bad for TRUMP! This is what they did to him.
Liberalism is a mental disorder. They will stop at nothing to have it there way even if it is to LIE!
WOW! How the local media spins this Fettermans way! This just goes to show you how MEDIA is corrupt!
Only his Doctor and those close to Fetterman knew of his true inabilities.
Fetterman so very clueless from the start since he can't even put a full sentence together. And had to lie about fracking on top of it all.
John is unfit for Pennsylvania
This debate makes me feel like I’m in an alternate reality.
😂😂😂😂 should've stayed in the basement, shrek!😂😂😂
Fingers crossed for you, Fetterman! Wish I was in your state so I could vote for you ❤
Go Oz I can do President Trump mouth better than what Biden is escalating the war in Ukraine , refusing President Putin bent over backwards in offers to end the war.
Radical left media protecting the democrats… shocking. If Dr. OZ spoke in incoherent tangents it would’ve been posted all over the web.
TWO candidates that support fracking. PA, don’t you care about anything??! How will you feel when all your kids get sick from the health effects of this environmental tragedy? STOP POISONING OUR PLANET NOW