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Full story: Daily writer Rich Juzwiak became one of eight judges at the Universal Royalty Nationals pageant in the Holiday Inn in Austin, Texas. Here’s what happened…
—Video by Vivek Kemp..(read more at source)
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I don’t like the two piece outfits and short bottoms. It’s not right.
Annette who is my daughter's aunt
Annette Hill if my daughter's aunt
It's not fair Thier jujjed by look
I hate that pageant because it is not fair
what the fuck
3:40 – 3:47 ; No,you're not 18,you're 8. Ten years of waiting 😊
0:10- Annabella Peterson
0:13- Mia Spargo
0.14- Giovanna, Anabella's sister
0:15- Chloe Stacy
0:16- Jayla
0:19- Kailia Deliz in the polka-dot dress
0:51- Kayla Hatton
1:00- SaLiz
1:40- Zoey Brewer
When kids do football, they are kids who are playing.This is childabuse:children look like adults.Yek.
I am glad it is not allowed overhere.
Children must be children and not acting like adults because the parents like it sooooo much.
@captainshitto Not at all. I understand that some of pageants mothers are crazy! Really crazy! Put 2 yp girl in pageant its crazy. But put 7 yo its ok. Theyre just have fancy outfit. Girls in dance school have outfits looks like them. So whats the problem?
@captainshitto Why do you think that? What theyre do wrong? It just fun, not forced kids! When kids do football, gymnastic its forced too