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Kat DeLuna performing “Whine Up” on Miss Teen USA – during the swimsuit competition!..(read more at source)
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Hey, that's Slater from Saved by the bell. Good guy and the ladies now are older but still beautiful.
Lol I remember watching this and laughing at how Kat Deluna was pushed aside in the background to provide "background" entertainment.
@rachaltheradical Kat is afro latina. a black chick from the Dominican Republic. you know theres idiots who actually think shes from Turkey? wtf? shes Dominican. in the video "black and latino" she even says shes Dominican so where did this Turkish rumor come from? Shes afro latina…. Go watch one of her videos and look at all the comments
@adriana1086 It doesn't.. the song's about dancing, not once does she mention anything about sex or even alcohol, at most she sings about wanting to dance close to a guy she likes. And whining is just how we caribbean people dance, it's sexy yes, but it doesn't have to be because you can keep your distance and not grind. Watch the music video, it's sexy yes, but not vulgar.
wow! the girl who's miss new jersey in this vid is the current miss usa! so cool!
Cause She's 19, not twenty-sth.
that prestenter definitely had a gang bang with them after in their changing room
@awsomeshot I think with my dick so I beg to differ!
Its funny how many blondes are sexy but awkward when they move and try to dance.
@adriana1086 shut up u ignorant fuckface
kat has stamina… she went for more than 8 minutes dancing..
@otnaim What can compare to beautiful teen age girls?
@DoYouThinkForUrselF The world genuinely needs a good nuclear apocalypse to sort it out.
More fluff for the mass's. I appreciate women but this is the only way we as a society can seem to see women now. Sex toys. So sick of the way people are programmed. BULLSHIT. Next WWWIII while we watch this shit, we where to dumb to see it all coming. BOOM
she's fakeing..
OMG I just Wuv Mario Lopez wait that is him right?
nice performance by Kat
@otnaim LOL!!!
omg shes a teen??????she luks older..
kat was beautiful there
Carolina girlz r really prettyi also like illinois
but they dont look like teens
She's lip singing in that :s
GOOOOOOOOOOOOO New Jersey i live there
@yourallstoopid i wouldn't be surprised but look at the bright side before the net they could hide these numbers but not any more.
you've got a good point there
holy shit – just look at those goddam tits!
They'll all be working as prostitutes when America's derivatives market collapses with one hundred TRILLION dollars of debt.
theyre all fucking hot !!
these ladies have gutts i mean walk on the stage in a biki infront of millions
She can sing, and she's pretty hot… but she reeeally is not a great dancer. She looks a little awkward.
love kat deluna