Kim of Queens: A Rare Beauty (Season 2, Episode 5) | Full Episode | Lifetime

Kim of Queens: A Rare Beauty (Season 2, Episode 5) | Full Episode | Lifetime

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Kim takes on a girl with albinism and enters the girls in a futuristic pageant in Season 2, Episode 5, “A Rare Beauty”. #KimOfQueens
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  1. …omg Adia…no. omg.
    I'm a big girl too. But I would never say free food.

    That's embarrassing 😳
    A big girl saying she hopes for free food.

    That was embarrassing. I'm sorry but it's the truth.
    Now everyone come after me. Lol

  2. There is this Beautiful 10-year-old Talking like a professor. When I was 10 I was building fairy houses out of sticks and acting like I was country and saying ain’t and y’all

  3. I have a vision impaired son and to see how sweet they were to that girl made me smile. Hope my son has nice people in his life like that.

  4. It's crazy how Kim's personal life stays completely out of the story. So Southern… All glitz glam and make it "look" perfect. She's married.

  5. Okay but why does everyone dressed in clothes from "50 years in the future" look like they just rolled out of the early 2000s LOL

  6. Addy is just an amazing young girl. Her mom is doing an amazing job raising her to be such a good light I love her so much

  7. When Rayven’s mom said “maybe we need a new coach”….I would’ve been like 👍 deuces! Her daughter is pretty but where’s the personality? Rayven doesn’t make much of anything personal! Kim is trying to help her, her mom is holding her back 🙄

  8. I'm sorry but Adia needs to stop using the excuse "I didn't win because I don't have the body they want me to have". Like girl if you honestly and truly feel that way FIX IT!!!! Her answer to the question I honestly believe is what messed her up. It had nothing to do with her body.

  9. I forgot that Abby does dancing and this one is for pageants but I love how this woman cares and isn’t mean to the children

  10. I know there shouldn’t be favorites but Addison is my favorite she’s hilarious and was so sweet to Samantha

  11. I feel so bad for adiya. she is FAR more talented than the other girls, but the judges are so shallow and disgusting

  12. I felt so bad for Adia!!! I cried with her because I completely understand her pain in that moment. I hope she's grown and continues to understand that being different doesn't mean not beautiful. You glow girl! 💛✨

  13. Rayven: I just have better speaking skills than Addison
    Rayven 20 minutes later: I messed up on my speech

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