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Miss Universe Philippines Celeste Cortesi vs Miss Universe Indonesia Laksmi De-Neefe Suardana.
Bergabung dengan Miss Universe Philippines Celeste Cortesi dan Miss Universe Indonesia Laksmi De-Neefe Suardana saat mereka duduk bersama Presiden MUO Paula Shugart untuk membahas cyberbullying, dampaknya terhadap wanita di komunitas dan bagaimana kita dapat menyebarkan kebaikan…(read more at source)
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The last tips from laksmi was 👏, so related.
Laksmi Indonesia
Miss pH just spoke, but in the real pH fans always bully other contestant, and lawas think their contestant is the best
Wooooooow Laksmi real n natural….
❤️ Queen Laksmi from INDONESIA 🇮🇩💐
Guys stop comparing one and another! They are smart and gorgeous and the are sisters in the universe. Good luck for all of them🙏
Laksmi speaking smart 👍👍
Celeste has a natural beauty compared to her, duhhhh🤣
Great discussion
Miss sugeries, MISS PLASTIC from philippines 2022 … lol…lol….lol hahahahahahahaahahahahahahahhaahahahha,
Laksmi lah
As an English speaker, Miss Indonesia just talks too much, Waffles on about the same thing. Puts me to sleep
I can see these 2 Ladies are not Miss universe.
Miss Universe is a beautiful Queen who can lead and empower other to be stronger.
No fear no complaint.
Cyber bulling it’s nonsense.
Miss Universe should not even Pay attention.
The Beauty Queen .Should not demand others to do what you wanted them to do.
I only can see the Miss Universe Thailand.
From what’s she have been interview.
She knows and what’s came out we’re all positive and she never even fear others what’s they do and said.
Anna of Thailand is a woman fighter .
Who will leads and wins.And will inspire all
Specially poor children’s.
Can appreciate life even anything seem bad.But the greatest will go on.She will be energy to everyone who’s getting to know her.
Wow.. Laksmi Natural beauty and smart..
Indonesia ❤
I feel like Miss Indonesia is trying to impress Paula here or something. Her answers are really pageant patty. It’s giving me a “make me the miss universe cause I can do this and that” vibe. Other than that she speaks very well and good for her that she did her research on the topic that they are talking about. Celeste tho she is just chill and she listens very well on what the others are saying. You can tell from her expression that she really listens to you and has your full attention, I like that. Anyways both did really amazing and I wish them good luck ok the upcoming Miss Universe competition.
Woww.. laksmi. You are the best. Conggretulations
Indonesia it's not looks pretty she is a normal girl walking on the street
Miss Indonesia for some reason is appearing to be too trying hard to be the one on top of this interview by being a yakkity yak yak scene stealer. The way she answered the first question is not direct to the point. It's like she wants to put more information about herself, for self promotion obviously, and to get longer airtime. Even in the last question, she had to but in and to add more yak yaks just to have the last say and to have more words said. Sorry!, not everyone can be fooled by flowery answers that wander around the answers I want, if I am the interviewer….. In some instances, direct to the point less words answer is actually more. That's my personal opinion. 😊
Asus Vs Apple pantesan suara beda y
Ekspresi wajah Miss Philippines jutek
Gemetaran gak tuh suara nya…
It has been seen that Miss Philippines' questions are very disorganized, less relaxed and so quivering nervously, it's a shame to rely solely on beauty and style, here are the facts
both ladies are beautiful in their own way and we should never compare them..I have a very high respect to these ladies because it's not easy to represent a country.
People in this comment selection didn't understand the topic🙄
Btw, Indonesia's answer is very pageant patty… While Philippines answer is very sincere. And in beauty pageants, sincerity makes a woman win.
This in not a debate both of them who's better. They have only one reason and purpose is to stop hate instead spread love.
They're just talking. It's not a competition 🙂
The only difference between the girls…..is that one is beautiful and the other is not
As expected, a beauty pageant fan would be proud of her country in ridiculous comparisons
Video translate indonesia, tapi tetep aja byk piggy berkeliaran disini. Klo emg wakilnya bagus knp mesti komen kemana2, insekyurr
Miss Indonesia can make it to the top 5 i can feel it in her aura
Laskmi you smart, beautiful and charming ❤🇮🇩
I love Laksmi very clear and straight to the point with substance and understandable go go Laksmi I want you and celeste in the top 5 😘
Indonesia seems to be reading something. It shows in her eyes. I dunno..