Laughter ERUPTS as Biden SH00T himself ON FEET with STUPID ‘kidnapping’ accusation against DeSantis

Laughter ERUPTS as Biden SH00T himself ON FEET with STUPID ‘kidnapping’ accusation against DeSantis

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Laughter ERUPTS as Biden SH00T himself ON FEET with STUPID ‘kidnapping’ accusation against DeSantis..(read more at source)

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  1. Border towns are getting thousands of illegals, yet Martha’s Vineyard get 50 and lose their minds!!! If these liberals can’t see their hypocrisy, then they are truly delusional!!!

  2. You got plenty of room on that island! LMAO 😂. They don't want them near their homes! Unbelievable these people. NOW, JUST BLAME TRUMP

  3. What a bunch of rich elite hypocrites!! They want open borders and want to be sanctuary cities; yet not in their cities!!

    DeSantis and Abbott should send more illegals to Martha’s Vineyard!!

  4. This is it. This is the tipping point for the Democrat party. After hearing these Dem politicians and their media henchmen throw tantrums and level accusations of "kidnapping, weaponizing human beings" at DeSantis for doing EXACTLY what they've done to other states for the last year and a half PROVES what hypocrites and liars they are. They have fully and unapologetically exposed their disdain for "we the people" by openly complaining when this monumental problem lands in their own backyard. Anyone with a shred of self awareness would realize that they are caught in the web they've spun and shut their mouths but not these clueless elitists. They couldn't be more transparent if they came right out and said, "rules for thee, not for me". I don't know how any of the Democrat voters with a scrap of intellect could stay in the Democrat Party after this exposure of hypocrisy. I don't believe that Democrat voters who consider themselves the party of tolerance and empathy will accept this overt display of intolerance and rejection. We'll see how genuine those voters are in the next few weeks as this issue plays out. It will be fascinating to watch – either they abandon their leaders or they share the label of "intolerant, racist haters." Make some popcorn and sit back; this is going to get very, very interesting!

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