Leading vs Control

Leading vs Control

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Dennis and Julie delve into women and their looks. Both sexes have their battles… for women one of the battles is their looks. Why is the swimsuit competition in the Miss America pageant bad? What percentage of good-looking women think that they are good-looking? Why do women think that men want a thin woman? When a woman thinks she is not thin enough, is it for other women… or for men? Women judge one another harshly in silence… is it innate or societally induced? Money is to men what looks are to women. Men were more in control of their sexuality in a patriarchal society. It’s paradoxical, but Feminism has made men bolder about sex, not less. Men who are overly sexual are a turn off. Men know that women are not men, women don’t know men are not women. Healthy couples should make love outside the bedroom and have sex inside the bedroom. It’s important for Dennis and Julie to be real on the show. The assumption today is that if you are in the public, you aren’t being real. Is that true?..(read more at source)

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See also  2009 Mrs. America Pageant - Swimwear Segment

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. I agree with Dennis on saying “the prom” versus “prom”. But I am over 50:) It’s similar to saying graduating college vs. graduating from college. Would you say “who are you taking to promenade”? You need the article “the”!!

  2. To be fair, the thiccness/thinness question is cultural. I notice more upper-class and more white/east Asian (AGAIN, GENERALLY SPEAKING) prefer thinner women. More black/latino and middle-eastern and lower-middle classes prefer thicker, more curvaceous women.
    Generally speaking, of course.

  3. Fashion industry ran by gay men? Of course it is – after all, they want the women to look like what they like: adolescent boys – flat as a board, ugly haircuts and no curves.

  4. The thing with the choking is about dominance and satisfying ones own lust, but that also depends on the person who likes it and dont like it. Some want it because of how turned on they are and in order to satisfy the hinger for it, choking is involved like scratching an itch.

  5. עזר כנגדו
    She is there to help him.
    If he messes up in her eyes,
    she stands opposite him

  6. Wow! This show hits the bull's eye again+again on the realities & differences–both good and bad–between men and women…. When's the seminar & book coming out? SO MANY truths that young people– and adults too!–are Not told about or just get lies about! I can't remember when (if ever) all this was talked about together. Well done!…
    P.S. It's only possible bc Dennis and Julie both are straight up direct about what they think AND they aren't afraid of hurting people's feelings/ideologies/agendas.

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