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I don’t think there’s any feeling more satisfying, than discovering a HAL Room entirely on your own!
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12:41 what if there was a beauty pageant that measured how much nutrients and vitamins you’re getting and the healthiest person wins
BLGQOFTD: Why do I watch BLG? It's because you guys are funny. I also like your guy's banter too.
rip to all the residents of lumpy space (those cloud people from adventure time)
BLGQotD: I watch you because you're both really funny and Ian is a god-gamer. It's honestly hard to find let's players who are funny and good at playing games. Oh, and, yeah, I also watch you because you talk about genitals from time to time.
for the blg question of the day, i wrote an entire essay about you so i have to stay invested
im so glad the running joke of casey calling kracko ugly is still intact
hal room 🙂
i like how the developers themselves, in their most potent form, the hal room, attacked your… Nintendo PC.
you're fun, play fun games, and i have a high tolerance for innapropriate stuff relative to my major distaste for it. internet, ammirite?
OK, sure, Kirby's inhalation SEEMS fatal and thus could cause a scare. But that only makes it all the better when the enemies realize their lives have been graciously spared in combat! In fact, they've been transported to an all-you-can-eat-buffet dimension!
BLG QOTD: That’s a great question normally my answer is y’all are entertaining but sometimes usually during Kirby or sonic I’m just sit here questioning what brought me to this point sitting here watching two people talk about circumcision while the play a game about a tiny pink boi going on a murder spree
Anyway 10/10 would watch again and i probably will at some point
BLG QOTD: I watch you guys because you're one of the few 2-person Let's Play channels that plays games I like, actually knows what they're DOING in those games so it's not frustrating to watch, your reactions to key moments in your blind playthroughs are VERY entertaining, and overall, you're never NOT talking about something that isn't funny or interesting to listen to. A lot of Let's Players I've seen fall short in one or several of these categories, being too focused on commentary so the gameplay suffers or vice versa, or they simply don't give strong reactions to big things, but you two nail it. There never feels like there's any dead space, yet here, Ian is still crushing it in this game, getting almost every Sun Stone and killing it with the goal game. The two of you bounce off each other so well, and like Ian has said himself, Casey is just really good at talking and telling stories, filling space that would otherwise be awkward or silent.
TL;DR: You guys do everything an LP channel should do and you do it right. You play games well, you're funny, you're interesting, and the synergy you two have is hard to match. Keep up the great work!
BLG question: Why do you watch us? Answer: You're fucking hilarious and entertain my neurodivergent brain.
BLGQoTD: I found you guys from your Metroid play through. You guys are genuinely yourselves. I ventured, like the other viewers, to your Sonic videos then your Ori play through. Y’all have great stories and seemingly normal conversations. I love that you allow the games’ stories to shine.
I think this is the first time that I leave an entire comment dedicated to the BLG Question of the Day, it just felt appropriate as I had nothing else to talk about. But yeah, I keep coming back to watch you guys because
Number 1, I just love watching blind Let's Plays! It's so fun seeing people's first reactions to a game you love and making them feel that same spark of love or appreciation you have for the game! Your reactions are just the kind of thing that I'm looking for when watching people experience a game that I love for the first time! For the record, emotions of shock, amusement, wonder and laughter are not unique to BLG, but the way you and Casey laugh about things, remember things and joke about them, shows to us that you are indeed invested in the game you are playing and that you are paying attention, even if you not having a fun time.
Which reminds me! Number 2, you guys talk about the games you play in a way that is humorous, but also very intelligent! You two can make jokes about a game and then talk about it in a way that is more logical and gets gamers thinking, thanks to your extensive knowledge of game design! You two know a lot about what you need to brew a video game and how the best things can fit together, in theory, which means that even the people that know more about the behind the scenes of game design can tag along and watch your videos too! Which is something that I very much appreciate! It also helps that despite the shared knowledge of the gaming world, Ian, you are the one that is generally more active and ready to jump into action, while Casey knows how to look at things more strategically and come up with logical solutions. Despite you being pretty strategic yourself, Ian, I can tell that it's nice to have Casey around even if she doesn't have a controller to tag in on the game! It helps to have an extra pair of eyes when you are playing and we love watching that kinda chemistry too!
Even if I disagree with some opinions you have regarding game structure, stories, or gameplay preferences, that's par for the course with anyone you follow. It's natural for you to have an opinion that people disagree with, I expected nothing less. And in all honesty? I wouldn't have it any other way! I guess a third reason as to why I keep coming back is your honesty behind your reactions, your opinions, and general topics as well. Better and more healthy conversations can be created with opinions like those!
At the end of the day, even if I and some other people may harp on the way uou play some games, we still love the fact that you are still around, continuing to play the game and spreading that same joy to everyone that is watching you! Either by making a joke of the game or by having the reaction we expected. I think that's everything from me. Don't forget to be continue being awesome, you two!
I watch because you said what I was thinking when that like-like showed up and had the audacity to “look” around a corner. But really: good content, good games, and (to make an assumption based on your public-facing-selves) good people.
You saw how Kracko got those giant drills? Looks like Kracko got… screwed 😉
To answer that; Because you have an actually fun and wholesome dynamic and also (mostly in Casey's case) you're not afraid to talk about less wholesome stuff, often for humor, but also for serious reasons. You feel like a couple a lot of people, at least in my eyes, would like to be friends with; nerdy, hilarious, witty, and knowledgeable in art and editing and passionate about many things!
Not to mention, I like how skilled Ian usually is with games, and especially how willing you both are to engage with lore! Other letsplayers will usually not pay attention to things, or are too busy joking to acknowledge story moments and just continue assuming something (often the result of a joke) that was just proven incorrect. Even when you guys are furious, or are laughing your asses off, you pay attention!
And as a fan of Hollow Knight who found you through that game? That means a lot! To not only have letsplayers who are entertaining to listen to, but are entertained by the games they are playing!
blgqotd: i watch you guys because you are the only youtube channel that can genuinely make me laugh while at the same time are also super chill. Also, watching Ian play games might make me better at them XP
BLG QOTD: I like your vibes.
QOTD: honestly, lack of options.
You know you can jump dash with the wing suit right?
32:22 Mr. Beam Attack!
I wouldn't feel comfortable commenting this on any other YouTube video, but considering the nature of Bornlosersgaming, I need you all to know that the phrase "Bugsex" is literally an inside joke in my friendgroup due to Taranza. Everyone say "thank you Taranza."
Triple Deluxe is a wonderful game! I'm glad you've enjoyed it. 🙂 Robobot, IMO, is very, VERY similar to it (In a good way!), just with a gimmick feature people like more. More of the delightful same
The beauty pageant talk is weirdly topical for this game.
Ugly Kracko is one of my favorite longrunning BLG bits
Personally, I started watching ya'll because I'm loving this blind Kirby letsplay series. It's great seeing your reactions to things! I also just really like the way you two play off of each other. You have a great dynamic and banter.
BLGQotD: Your banter and random discussions are very genuine and entertaining
QotD: Ian took mine (the penis thing), so I guess I'll just lie. Y'all have a very unique flavor of fucking weird humor that overlaps with my own really well, and also casey's "will throw a brick at a cop" energy is beautiful. So.. y'alls personalities & humor ig?
Actually spiders don't go into your mouth when you sleep,even if it wanted to it would die because her hair in her legs are noses so it would die just approaching your mouth because of the stinky breath
Loving this series so far, and I would HIGHLY recommend playing superstar ultra before robobot. It's very much worth it (And both games are fantastic!)
Hey i have a request do you think maybe when you finish one of your play throughs you have going that maybe you can go do a lets play of elden ring or dark souls?
1:06 I genuinely laughed out loud when that happened and I have no idea why
"Oh, oh! I know what to do! I'm gonna kill myself!" Ian BLG, 2023
It is specifically your guys’ unusual/out of pocket commentary and banter that makes me enjoy this channel so much lmao
BLGQOTD: I like Kirby and you guys are silly
0:28 I'm glad you noticed the music! It's really good! It does an excellent job of setting the mood for the final world.
0:55 That's a "Sectra Dee." Most of the enemies in Royal Road are insect variants, called Sectra (e.g. Sectra Dee for Waddle Dees, Sectra Burt for Bronto Burt). There's a lore reason for this, but I won't say what it is yet.
1:31 That's "Sectra Knight," the Sectra equivalent of Lanzer (the enemy that gives Spear).
9:14 I'm glad to hear you've enjoyed Triple Deluxe! I really liked this game when it was new, and it's been fun seeing you guys experience it for the first time. As I've said before, I recommended it not just because it's a good, fun game, but because the lore in it is (mostly) standalone, and doesn't require too much knowledge of the rest of the series to understand. There are a small number of story ties to other games, but we'll cover that when we get to it.
9:29 Plant Robobot is indeed even better.
10:36 Triple Deluxe is a VERY pretty game. I hope you continue to pay attention to the scenery, because it continues to escalate, and there is one particular bit that serves as foreshadowing (it was actually in this very level, too, but you'll see it other places as well).
11:37 Your earlier Wily Castle comment was funnily prophetic; Royal Road has several boss rematches, just like Mega Man games.
19:40 Game's a lot harder – and the bosses more fun – when you don't have an Ability with ridiculous invulnerability time to just ignore everything they do (i.e. Leaf, Archer, Stone, Beetle, Bell).
32:44 We're almost to the end of the main game!
BLG QoTD: kirbo
I feel this one most dirty kirby episodes
Blg question of the day: You guys are positive, funny seem like nice people, and are interested in the games you play