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Who fkn cares HOW the defense rested?! Both sides have had an opportunity to present their sides and the prosecution isn't even done yet. As far as I can see there isn't anything else they can bring to the table that's really going to change anything. I'm sure the jury members already know how they're going to vote. What else can you say that's worse than the audio and visuals they've already heard and seen? And I think the defense has also brought a pretty solid case that Nikolas as literally always been a terribly damaged individual who never really got the proper treatment despite the many psychologists, psychiatrists and therspists he's seen. I have no idea how the jury is going to vote. What I do know is that each juror has to make their own vote and it only takes 1 to vote for life.
Is it possible that Nikolas Cruz ordered his lawyers to rest the case?
This whole trial needs to rest but Nikolas's vvhite privilege is keeping it going and buying him time smh
I honestly feel like they were aiming for irritating the judge. I think they were hoping for more of an outburst or condemnation so they could cite it in support of mistrial. Look at how Cruz immediately looks to the Judge when his lawyer says they rest. I think he's looking to see rxn, hoping for an extreme one.. I could be wrong, but I feel this was a desperation tactic to try to save life of their client. They've been irritating the Judge pretty much the whole trial. I think they realized they didn't have much chance, so they tried this "hail mary" so to speak.
I have watched this trial from the early hearings and am not a huge fan of this judge. Nothing at all to do with her being a young attractive female. But she has shown alot of bias and eye rolled and huffed and puffed and on occasion looked unprofessional. She appears in over her head. And not very experienced.
I also read her father is rich and powerful and this is why she holds this position. Honestly I donβt care on that either way and have judged her on what I have witnessed of her.
Wanted to add that the defense resting may have been the clients decision due to the brother zachary being called and other family friends they have not had a pleasant time in cross examination so far….
these lawyers are playing "God", the fact of the matter is 17 innocent people were MURDERED!!!
the defense clearly f-d up … they need to own it, also in front of the jury imho.
I wonder if making a contentious relationship with the judge was a tactic to get Cruz grounds for an appeal. If he doesn't get the death penalty, it'd be shocking.
I donβt really believe the judge care a little bit about jury time.
I would pay money for the defence to then not rest in front of the jury and continue calling the witnesses.
I think she explained it that way to the jury because itβs clear she really feels for them and wanted to bring light to the situation.
It seemed like the judge started in a good mood and that the defense did things deliberately to get under her skin, catching her off guard in such a way to cause her to snap at them (and they succeeded in getting it covered in the press as an "emotional outburst" rather than a justified telling off for their disrespect of the court & jury's time). It was clearly playing games and it was disgusting to see. They've been trying to get her to recuse herself or to force a mistrial. And unsurprising the next day after this, it was reported that they tried again to get her to refuse herself.
What you skipped past with the colloquy was after the state read the long list of names of witnesses that wouldn't now be called the judge asked him if he understood they wouldn't be called and he said yes, she asked if there was anyone he had expected to be called and hadn't been that he thought should, etc, he said he didn't know who any of the people on the list was. She replied, well you know who Zachary, your brother is, and there was another she pointed out that he knew too. And he said, yes, but he didn't know any of the others, but that he trusted his lawyers. Which led me to thinking that it seems the Defense listed every person he had come into contact with in the last 4 years etc even if he may not have even spoken to them.
Perhaps it's possible the defense never intended to call those people, or perhaps they saw the jury were getting bored of hearing the same thing and all those others would just be repeating the same things. I also wondered if after seeing his biological sister testify they had realised having Zachary testify would be be bad move, because from my pov it didn't gain the Defendant the sympathy it was expected to. They seemed to be trying to show that genetics/being born to a drug addict had overridden any benefits he'd gained by being adopted by a well-off family. However, what the state then highlighted was a woman who grew up in terrible circumstances, left behind when her brothers were adopted, who had shared genetics but who didn't do what he had (I understand from comments on her testimony that she has been in trouble with the police a good amount, and some of it quite bad stuff, but of course the jury doesn't get told that), and the state also managed to take the opportunity to bring up that someone involved with Zachary "profiting off him being the brother of Nick" had been putting a good amount on the defendant's prison commissary. Which, of course, can cause people to then consider the defendant is therefore profiting off his horrific actions via his brother. And as such they couldn't risk putting Zachary on the stand and giving the state more ammo.
I also had seen someone in the comments of a video on the colloquy, which said that the Defense's last two witnesses had not been helpful to them and had actually likely helped the state's case. Now, idk if that was true because for my own mental health I've only been dipping in and out of the case, so I didn't see that, but I wondered if they originally started off thinking they could flood the state with dozens of unnecessary witnesses, but then realised that flooding the state with 80 witnesses could well backfire if you don't know 100% that what that witness would say would be beneficial to your case.
Regardless of when/why they decided to rest, the way they did it was very badly handled & unprofessional looking to a non-legal outsider and the judge's comments rei forced that sentiment. They were clearly up to something when things started for the session. And I've seen them doing other unprofessional things like takjng headphones off during sidebar, walking back and forth talking with each other while witnesses were on the stand. I get that some things have to be communicated to co-counsel, but there are ways to do that without it being extremely distracting for witnesses and jury alike; plus you're not paying full attention at that point either.
I thought the state only asked for one week, I don't think that's unreasonable because I'm sure all their rebuttal witnesses had been prepared to come from around date X, so there would be scheduling issues to sort out. If Defense had cut short by 2 or 3 witnesses then yes, the state should have been ready to go for rebuttal, but when you're expecting another 50+ witnesses, I think they can be forgiven for needing a week to get things sorted. And also, by giving them that time, it's a way for the judge to send a message to the Defense that they're not going to benefit from playing games like that.
Umm, I def think D. lawyers were being poopie-heads on purpose. Objection, Trickery.π₯Έ
How much wrk was likely done by St. in preparatβn o remainβg witnesses? All depos & prep done?!!
Great shirt π
Thank you, Happy I found this channel. Learned a lot. You are putting everything in layman's terms~
All the attorneys and the judge are on the biggest stage of their careers. Ever actually try a case to a jury? It's scary as shit. They are all doing the best they can but are outmatched by the stage they now find themselves.
Defense is wretched in this case
Why don't they either just give him life Now. HE PLEADED GUILTY AND WAVED HIS RIGHTS.
Most certainly they will appeal many times the death penalty IF he get's it.
Even with no appeals it can take 20 years or more before he is put to death he has to wait on a day and they can apply to high courts to put a hold on the death penalty while they fight it..
This whole case is a joke i don't think so..
THE DEFENDANTS LAWYERS (THE WITCH IN THE PINK) 2 weeks ago tried for a mis trial and was told off.. who is paying hese Fruitcakes in Autralia defendants who have no or little money is given Legal aid no matter how much the case and HIS MOUTH PIECES GET PAID all 5 or more of them. and then the prosecuters IN THIS CASE are funded from the Tax Payers.
he only gets what the Gaol gives him $30 a week. in Australia prisoners get that not sure if he gets that in America DOES HE??. Could it be that these B GRADE Lawyers have no other work to do POTENTIAL CLIENTS WONT USE THEM AFTER THIS (MAYBE THEY ALREADY HAVE A REALLY BAD NAME ) they are wasting time maybe to get paid through the government.
**Who pays the Murderers team of B GRADE lawyers?**
Then there are costs! Accomodation' Food' travel expences' and Wages and other things they are losing out on (MAINLY THE JURY)
Are these lawyers trained in the field of fighting Murder Charges?
How much experience do they have?
There are lawyers trained in the field of Rape Child Molestation SEX CASES. MOST LAWYERS are all trained in specific fields and still can take on other cases. but these Murder cases mouth pieces as we call them here in Australia are Trained mainly in the high end cases.
Or are they Parking fine or motor accident lawyers trained only for that..
we have different kinds of Lawyers here some trained in the field of SEX CASES Some are Criminal Lawyers then there are Lawyers trained for Car related offences council experienced in fighting motor Cases and low end cases?
Of course if he gets the death penalty there will be a reason for these B grade Lawyers to appeal it.
then they get some wages
This case is so silly. mnever have watched anything like this EVER.
I would have been pissed because the defense was suppose to have 40 more witnesses. I feel like this is the defense trying to make the court look bad in order to screw the system. Is that like what the judge said "chess"?
Lawyer you know, audio levelling you donβt.
I'm not a fan of this judge. I think she's been very obviously one sided. I don't like the defense either, but the judge is supposed to have the appearance of impartiality.
I feel like this is such an ambivalent case. It's not even funny. I have SO MUCH ambivalence towards it.
The judge wears lipstick, eyeliner, eyelash extensions, long nails, yet claims she wants to be judged on her intellect, not on her mating displays. Her style is inappropriate for one who wants to be judged only on her ability.
Who cares what the look is, I want my lawyers to push the very limit in everyday to save my client, you are worried about the jury or the judge are you serious. This is why are prisons are full, because lawyers want to be nice guys at the cost of their clients.
I thought the court was the one place in the world that you must tell the truth and nothing but the truth. How can she say its all her fault. Its not, its the defense. Why does she have to take the blame for that.
Their last 3 witnesses were tore down by the state, that was 3 days wasted.
Ive been watching the whole trial and was amazed at how the defense acted throughout. I was shocked the first time she called them out. Getting up and down whenever they wanted etc. This one was long overdue
The defence had been mucking around for days before. The judge was right, spot on.
I think being mad at the defense is totally appropriate but I will say after watching Johnny and amber trail ..I feel like this judge is kinda unprofessional throughout this whole process
A judge doesn't want to waste a juries time?..I disagree.i was a potential juror that sat in a room without about 40 or more other potential jurors.We sat there until that afternoon then were told by the judge that none of us would be needed as we couldn't possibly understand the lawsuit that was taking place.Not only did this arrogant judge insult us by basically saying we were too stupid he then wasted most of our days for no reason…..the fluff girl that was in charge of our room said for us not to confront the judge before he came in to tell us his garbage.Im guessing half the potential jurors were smarter than this idiot and arrogant judge
I think she's explaining the hotel situation because she still thinking about the flub up she did by complaining about the defense rest
She is personable, it shows that she appreciates the jury's appreciation, she doesn't make it sound like military operation!
Iβm not a lawyer but I think the jury should know the defense screwed this up as they did β¦so lie to them instead and judge take the blame. I donβt get it Iβm a therapist Iβm real here about putting out the truth but guess thatβs why Iβm not a lawyer haha
This judge seems immature.
They planned from day one, they will make as many mistakes as possible, because they will have a retrial..
Juust discovered this channel. Informative content and the comments section is civilised. Very refreshing!
the judge has been biased since long long long ago
if cruise wants them to stop do they have to stop
Did you watch the whole trial or just these parts? I would have loved to hear an opinion about the whole trial as the judge has been very biased and angry all the time. In addition, the prosecutors have been very rude to witnesses all the time and the judge has not interfered with that. I think it is the reason why the lead defense attorney is so frustrated also by the judge.
I heard the defense team filed to have judge removed from case. How do you think it would go and if there is a new judge – will the process have to restart from scratch? I feel so sorry for all victim families π
What I think happened as now the defense put in a motion to have the judge fired and a new case. I think the defense got tired of the judge's bias. If you watch the entire penalty phase every time the state objected to something the defense said or wanted to put in as evidence the judge sustained the state's objection but every single time the defense objected to something the state said or evidence they wanted to put in the judge over ruled the defense's objections. Every single time through the entire trial.
The defense team cannot represent their client well when the judge is this bias. Plus, the state is pretty much running the court room. Every single time the state makes a motion to the judge or a suggestion the judge says' ok, yeah" and the way she always spoke to the defense team compared to the way she treats and talks to the state is a huge difference. When you are a judge regardless of the heinous crime the defendant did, you suppose to remain impartial and anyone with a brain and eyes can see this judge did not remain impartial and fair.
So I am thinking the defense ended their case early because they got tired of the judge's bias and if the jury votes DP they will go for appeals. this is my take on it. The defense asked the judge to step down due to her bias from day one. Nik now even spoke up he is not getting a fair trial and people may say his victims didn't get a fair trial but this is not how court works. Every single defendant even in a penalty phase has a right to a fair trial because this is still a matter of life or death and he killed people but the court does not operate in a way "oh he killed people so we will not be fair to him" that's not how it works. The judge is bias from day one, anyone can see this so if he gets the DP they will have a lot of room for appeals
And yes, the jury can see what the judge said to the defense. They are home and don't tell me they are not looking at the news and Youtube. Please, they are
also by law if he has a intellectual disability he's not suppose to be up for the Death penalty. And this judge has been unprofessional and child like and bias. The judge has a daughter and has taken her personal biases inside this court room. Plus she looks like a clown with bad filler job the lips are so much filler they look like a duck and too much make up and botox whining and being bias and yelling like a mad high school kid it's like a freaking comedy show with her plus she's bias
And i know this is why the defense ended their case abruptly because they just put in a motion to disqualify the judge and a new case. The jury went home, they watch Youtube and news, they know and saw what the judge said to the defense team and the defense team stated the judge contaminated the jury and the whole process. They are right.
They gave her such a hard time
38:00 Capital punishment has NO DETERRENT EFFECT on crime. This has been studied EXTENSIVELY and the data is beyond conclusive. In fact, it has been shown that murder rates are actually LOWER in states without capital punishment, and has been so since 1990.
If you want revenge, then just say so. But stop pretending like "harshly punishing" criminals will do anything except satisfy people's bloodlust.
Anti death penalty attorneys are generally Marxists, chaos is their forte. The frothy Leftist activist in pink impersonating an attorney should be disbarred.
I would like to retain you as my attorney.
Ty for the video. Just found. Why is there that many lawyers on both sides. Seems like more lawyers then jury. Why is Nicholas Cruz not handcuffed hes already pleaded guilty. Disney world in Florida Disneyland in California. Love to you and everyone from Sanford Florida.
I enjoyed you chat tonight..
No !! Just the truth..The defense were laughing about it. ( like it was a game.) So the truth hurts, when you act childish.