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  1. I don’t understand how everyone jumped on the “poor Ryan” bandwagon and discounted his freaking confession! Drugs don’t make you lie about murder and he WASN’T coerced. I’m flabbergasted and love that lady with the large necklace. She tells the truth about it all!

  2. His defense attorney is really good. I applaud her. She was having to play on the devils side and faced criticism from everywhere yet still stood and spoke his defense. Really good. And it is heinous what he did…however it’s different from actual Murder. There’s a big difference. That was her argument.

  3. I have heard many victim impact statements and Tara's Stepmother's was the most intelligent, eloquent, civilized and passionate statement I have ever come across. That woman is a Steel Magnolia and loves Tara fiercely. The defense makes much ado about Ryan Duke's supposed character. The fact that he chose to spend so much time with the likes of Bo Dukes tells you all you need to know about his actual character. Ryan Duke is a follower, a spineless coward. That he allowed Tara's family to suffer all those many years without coming forward is unconscionable. Period. There are no legitimate reasons. There are no valid excuses. Justice was not served on any level for this atrocious, inhuman act of barbarism. I grieve for Tara, an innocent life lost and for her loving, devastated family for which there will never be any peace. Only raw and endless pain.

  4. I knew when the judge started talking Duke was getting the 10 years lol…. And the statement of the stepmother was the best I have ever heard and I watch alot of these on Court TV…

  5. Hearing the victim's statements, I could not help but also cry. I've had a loved one murdered and it's an unimaginable pain. If Ryan is truly not guilty of murder, but of concealing the body, I hope he's able to move on with his life and Tara's family find some kind of peace in healing thru this horrible tragedy.

  6. So now his defense attorney is a mind reader and knew what the jury believed or didn’t believe. I love how the judge responded to that argument. Does anyone know if he had private counsel? It amazes me how many ppl believe this man isn’t guilty of her murder.

  7. I don’t know anything about this other than seeing blips on this program & actually felt bad for this guy. He seems very slow, like not capable of planning a murder. Is he mentally disabled?

  8. I liked this judge….

    Dude should've got longer… i realize thats what the judge was limited to… if i was him id of thrown maximum fines on top of it… Which if i recall they weren't really that much anyway… I am sure the family will win a big fat settlement civilly if they choose to pursue one… & they should…

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