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Fresno Hmong New Year Miss Hmong International Pageant 2015
Intro Round, #2 Maiv Ntxhais Vwj,Clovis,Ca..(read more at source)
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Maiv Ntxhais Vwj, I am very disappointed you did not win. I think at least you should have won third place. Maiv Ntxais, koj zoo nkauj tshaj plaws li nawj. Zoo siab rau koj niam koj txiv Tsav Txhiaj Vwj uas nkawv txawj yug tau koj zoo nkauj heev li. Koj thiaj phim ua ib tug MODEL ntawm neeg ntiaj teb txoj kev zoo nkauj. Ā Peb cov tub Hmoob, nej puas muaj qhov muag? Yog leej twg xav tau poj niam zoo nkauj es mus txog qhov twg los neeg ntsia zom zaws thiab qhuas tias cas nws yuav zoo nkauj ua luaj no ces nej nco ntssov yuav tus neeg zoo li Maiv Ntxhais Vwj ua poj niam es tom ntej no yus thiaj tsis ntshaw luag poj niam zoo nkauj nawb. Ua Tsaug Ntau thiab thov kom Maiv Ntxhais tau ib tug txiv hlub hlub nws kom thiaj tsim nyog nws txoj kev zoo nkauj tiam no.
Maiv Ntxhais…you did good…You won or not I still like you…
Zoo nkauj kawg
Wtf is wrong with you guies! Why so many dislikes! She did good!! Haters guna hatee
thanks for uploading