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Man Rips the Scholarship From Women In Female Beauty Pageant! Men Are Better At Everything! Actual Women Goes Nuclear When Trans woMAN Highjacks Womanhood (Spicy) –
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Actual Women Goes Nuclear When Trans woMAN Highjacks Womanhood (Spicy) – https://youtu.be/aFX0sguZwTY
Our world has gone INSANE!
I know this is a beauty competition for women, but… "she" is trans, fat and asian. Probably also has a weird label for "her" sexuality.
You can't compete against someone who checks on all the woke folk's favourite aspects.
I just hope this was just some kind of weird pity context.
His Asian ancestors have been disgraced. That’s enough for me.
See, men are better at everything0 even at beeing a FEMALE beautify queen😂
This takes opportunities away from actual women. This whole agenda is so diminishing for biological women and makes me feel like men are taking over every aspect of the world.
How are women not embarrassed by this? Fucking hilarious
Can I just say, on the record, I was born a woman, and I have hated many things about all that entails – it has not been easy. I have thought a million times how much I just wish I was a man. All the things I was interested in, sense of humor, books, etc always seemed to be easier to discuss with men. I have felt like a failure as a woman, being unmarried and without children at 42, etc but so what? I hate baby showers and weddings, I hate shopping for purses and being forced to comment on coworkers showing me pictures of their grandbabies, who are usually fugly, and I don't care anyway! There are things called abomonations in this world, we are rapidly seeing people jump at the chance to become one, like it is a fucking tattoo. I have grown up in gay clubs and I am into the BDSM community and keep an open mind, but when your whole existence and your deeper seated mental illnesses and your delusions take all the fun out of what the rest of us are trying to do in the pursuit of our own happiness, then you are not only no fun, you are boring. Do your thing, get with it, own it, grow, and find something else to do in life other than cry on youtube and think you are being poignant . Some people actually are unable to control the things that happen to a body that cannot be helped and that are killing them, for which they have no choice – like Cancer, AIDS, Lupus, or even COVID, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, MD, MS, etc Go spend a few days in a third world country and see how good you feel about spending as much money on a surgery that could save certain villages in countries who wish they had the luxury of complaining about what tools God gave them, they probably thank god every day for their shitty ass life we cannot even possibly imagine. There is no surgery for becoming unpoor, unhungry, etc.
They won't feel that fierce in North Korea. Are people seriously bat shit crazy with this? This person is not attractive in their personality, intellect, fashion sense, or anything redeeming I could mention, but can't because there isn't anything. Looks like a sedated, mentally ill, unattractive, obsese/pregnant looking, ugly ass as whatever they are and I don't give a damn!!!! U-G-L-Y you ain't got no alibi, you UGLY!!! you UGLY! Yes, I reduced myself to this level because the dress alone looks like some brides made dress circa 1988 on crack, the face of a bitter cow, fat as fuck with a shit attitude. Get up with it! – Miles Davis
What happened to United States these days?
Good luck America 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 your future is dull 😊🤣
Obviously they handed him the victory for the internet buzz
Who let a tub of lard on stage? That’s not even a man or woman that’s a tub
I'm a 54 year old man. I'm in pretty good shape to be fair, but I'm wondering if I could win a female beauty pageant? Slap on some lipstick, speak in a pathetic, condescending voice, call myself Stephanie, and I could be a contender???? WTAF has the world become? I never thought I'd say this, but I'm glad my age means I'm on the way out. I feel so sorry for my kids.
Smug Tranny dude got a pity trophy & took a scholarship away from a real attractive girl. This should’ve been bigger news & parents of the other contestants should fight that. That’s fkn bs.
Didn't anyone tell him that he's ugly and therefore cannot enter a BEAUTY pagent?
I think it needs a big change with that mid section XD
You give them a little freedom and they turn it into power. theyre taking over.
i appreciate where you’re coming from, but your commentary is all over the place.
Oh jeez , it didn't even shave it's pits.
Anyman man who join a female beauty contest will win, remember that men. 😆
You can eat a whole elephant. Just answer the questions well. This is the new beauty pageant rule.
A biological female who looked like that could not win.
Wtf 😆😆😂😂
How disgusting, I'd hate to be the other girls, what a disgrace that they push this type of agenda, funded by our own government. And they winder why society is falling.
Trans and homosexuals take the rights of men, woman, children, family, and society.
That's why from the wisdom of God has forbidden this act.
What angers me is that a stunningly beautiful young woman won't make the contest if she is 5' 2" because she's "too short" to be a beauty queen …… But this guy was allowed to.
The world is rapidly going to Hell.
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 a man. Won a woman beauty contest…. Wow ladies. Apparently men are more beautiful and can be just like you when the idea of I'm a woman. How does that make women feel? God this world is screwed
That thing should be contesting in a different category, a special category that starts with 'R' and ends with 'D'
That fat loser found how to stop his misery – by entering a woman beauty contest!
Ur a terrible man, how dare u do a video like this she's a over weight child and trans. I guess ur the kinda guy who picks on the easy targets, bet it makes u feel good doesn't it to hurt valuable people. Well I'm unsubscribing for the actions u displayed on YouTube.
What an outstanding specimen, wonder whose lab it escaped from…
Yo idc that she's trans, hell there's some DAMN gorgeous trans gals out there. Like I don't wanna seem like a jackass, but how tf did she win a BEAUTY PADGENT?!?!
So the actual women that work hard take care of their self and put into work for these pageants lose to the man just because simply they are trans. How is that fair? Basically the judges are saying any man who puts on a dress can win a pageant say they’re trans and win for it not because they have beauty or talent .
You're the best. Keel it going
Please God. Please send that huge rock of brimstone and fire and end this epic mountain of Bulls"@t.
NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! i thought u was bs wen i seen the title. they ain't lost their minds- they done gone lost they WHOLE head!!!!
Well she ticks all the boxes!!! Trans….black and yellow… fat ….you name it !
Ridiculous wokeness that is going to backfire big time.
Any judge in that contest who didn't vote for this dude would be cancelled into oblivion. Howzabout next year, all biological women boycott the pageant? They no longer stand a chance anyway.