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In the past few hours, Michael Cinco has called out Nova Stevens Miss Universe Canada and MgMode about allegations that were made against him. Michael Cinco said that all of them were ungrateful and that he is a victim of ”scam” after Nova Stevens didn’t ”even send him a thank you note” for everything that he did for her prior to Miss Universe 2020.
The entire drama started when MgMode posted an Instagram rant saying that Michael Cinco was to blame for the fact that Nova Stevens did not make it into Miss Universe 2020 Top 21. He said that Michael Cinco’s gowns were not ready on time and that they were ill-fitting and because of that Nova Stevens was not ready to offer her best performance during Miss Universe.
Michael Cinco responded to these allegations with a lengthy rant on Facebook and later continued through Instagram. With his posts, he accused Nova Stevens, Miss Universe Canada Organization and MGMode of being scammers and ungrateful people. He also mentioned we would not be collaborating anymore with MU Canada in the future.
A lot of you wanted to know my take on this drama….and here you have it. Let me know how you feel about the entire situation in the comments section.
#NovaStevens #MissUniverse #MichaelCinco
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Let's be honest, Nova is tall and has a kick ass body but facially she is just ok. This was a very competitive year with VERY strong candidates vying for that top spot. You could have made a case for at least ten women to win that crown and she simply was not to make that semifinal group. This has nothing to do with race but all to do with women that we better than she was.
don't defend Nova, she doesn't deserve it!
Why did Canada nominate Kevin Garnett for Miss Universe? Great guy, hell of a NBA career but I am not sure he is beauty queen material.
Hello my dear Luis. As always you did a good job. I love your channel. Take care always!
that is the problem mostly Filipino designers seeking fame, and they will do everything for it, even they expend their own money for nothing. piece of advice, don't be so hungry for fame if it doesn't cost you a dime in return, Michael Cinco is a big example, dressing some Hollywood stars, just for free!!!! hahaha
Remember the time Canada throw their trash at us. Im not surprise at all how they treat and view the Filipinos.
that NOVA ISNT BEAUTIFUL AT ALL!!! Even is she wears diamonds it will not just work! Realtalk!
Sin of Action vs. Omition
I'm sorry I have to disagree about NOVA.
I saw her video message and to me, all she wanted to do was to sweep it under the rug.
Is this the kind of mindset we want for a Miss Universe titleholder?
Just asking.
Ms Universe Canada Team will never know how many doors will be closed after PUBLICLY burning the bridge with M5. Tragically, this will be on future candidates.
What goes around comes around.
Mind you, with us Filipinos (let me speak for myself), GRATITUDE IS A BIG THING if not IT IS EVERYTHING.
Just say it Thank you!☺️
It will not make u less a person if you say an authentic "sorry" and "thank you". Filipino children at their very young age are taught to say these words even if they discern innocence. This is our treasured culture.
He basically provide a charity on MU Canada but they have the audacity to berrate his credibility despite their own fault.
it was a very trying hard to save Nova —Luis failed to recognized that M5 talked to Nova to make things in private as possible but to no avail….now Nova is playing the victim card that disgust many… if she was able to make a photo collage of racist comments about her as a strike of lightning but so slow or till now she failed to show gratitude to M5 after the "Shame on you" issue went public. indeed "USER" is just but proper and fitting to throw at them #ShameOnYou
In the end, it is not the dress that makes a person rather it is the person that makes the dress.
we as Filipinos we're very generous and a simple 'thank you' is enoough..just be grateful.
I think this is being blown way out of proportion. Fact is these kind of things make headlines and people are always targeting the Miss Universe Candidates because of the clickbaits. We shouldn't be quick to judge what's happening, I mean were all imperfect AF and don't know all the facts of what really went down. At the end of the day, it's supposed to be a fun competition and the power the crown gets is supposed to help people. So let's be be gracious and kind. I feel horrified for both Michael Cinco and Nova Stevens. I'm sure they are going through hell right now.
I'm glad Nova did not win. She doesn't deserve a crown. She can't stand on what is right.
You are 💯 on point here.