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Opening number from Miss America 1989. Gretchen Carlson from Minnesota won that year..(read more at source)
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Word: "Progressive!"
Miss Connecticut (2:45) yells like a deaf girl.
Hilarious that the reactionary wingnuts hated atlantacardinal's comment–it is absolutely correct. Carlson, hideous inside and out, is the epitome of the sort of dreck Fox and Friends would hire–and a roaring hypocrite to boot (see her little affair with a married man for Miss KahRISTyun's real behavior as opposed to her sanctimonious drivel). Then there was her godawful, screeching, out of tune fiddle (one could hardly call HER a violinist) playing. Maya Walker, as several posters have noted, was robbed BLIND here–read "Hype and Glory" for an account by W. Goldman, and note that Walker was in the top three in interview with Carlson somewhere at the very bottom.
So agree Miss Colorado, Maya Walker should've won! They threw out the 'interview' results catapulting Carlson to the throne, as she finished in 9th or 10th in Interview!! Oherwise Walker had it as she was ranked # 1 in interview!
I was and am still not a very big fan of Miss America. However, I think that I remember Gretchen because of those adorable eyes! She was and still is amazing because she is not tall but is well-put together.
Miss America is still popular. The ratings have improved over the past few years, and they are back home in Atlantic City. What people forget is that the Miss America Pageant has been around since 1921 and is today the largest source of scholarships for women in the world.
I remember when these pageants used to be in vogue.
Track down William Goldman's book "Hype and Glory" as he describes in candid detail his experiences as a preliminary judge of this pageant. He had Colorado winning, thought Mississippi was the most physically beautiful girl, really wanted to put Utah in the top 10 but her nerves got the better of her in the interviews, and referred to Minnesota as "Miss Piggy", which is exactly what comes to mind when I see Gretchen Carlson today.
Georgia had many beautiful queens, even that year but I'm surprise they have never won both Miss USA and Miss America.
Just think of all of the stupidity we'd have missed out on if a sniper had taken Gretchen Carlson out on this night.
Long Live Bert Parks!!!!
RIP Bert Parks
Long Live Miss America!!!!
Only a pig would say what you just did.,
This was from 24 years ago so naturally the hair styles would be different. I loved the opening number.
I bet all these ladies coochie are bushy as hell.
@Trevoc2 Who said the video was specifically about her
4:19 – I smell tuna.
@socal0123 I can't believe you made us watch 8 minutes and 20 seconds of this just to see three seconds of Gretchen Carlson!! Have you ever considered doing some cutting of videos??? Thanks for making me sit through this shit!
They look monstrous and stupid, fashion sucks also.
this is absolutely surreal !
Woah, theyre all old ladies now hahahah
everyone says's they look bad and this and that but fashion doesnt work like "today this is pretty so, it was pretty during all times". No! Fashion is constantly in progress just look at movies with 5years: they're style is different. This is the 80's, late 80's so stop saying they loook bad because they honestly don't..
Pretty hideous.